Unit One Reflection

As soon as I started writing the expanded definition for “recursion”, I started to regret choosing the particular word. While it’s a commonly used word in computer science, it’s a term that can be hard to explain without practical experience. When I first learnt how to solve problems using recursion, it took a long time for the process to click. Like I mention in my definitions, a recursive problem is like a picture within a picture. It can be a bit of a trippy situation.

However, I’ve always felt that I can understand something better if I am able to explain the topic to someone else. I believe that the process of writing a definition for recursion that is beginner-friendly has helped cement my understanding of the topic. When Harsha said she was able to understand the definition I was very happy!  I also understand why she still had confusion regarding my second example of recursion involving Fibonacci’s sequence.

Fibonacci’s sequence is so commonly used in computer science teachings that I forgot that it isn’t  common knowledge. With Harsha’s help I started to take a step back from the definition and kept asking myself “Would I understand this without any computer science education?”. When you’re surrounded by people with the same knowledge as you, it’s very easy to forget that not everyone knows the same thing.

I hope with the edits and further elaboration on the topic make the expanded definition even easier to understand.

Attached below are a word document of my definitions, and a link to Harsha’s review of my expanded definition.

Harsha’s Peer Review




Team Member Emails

To: Harsha
From: Madeleine
Subject: Writing Team Application Response

Dear Harsha,

I am writing in response to your application for a position in my writing team. After reading your application I believe that we have complementary skills and beliefs. Like you, I love to learn and grow. I also admire the work and effort you’ve put towards mastering your fourth(!) language.

You’ve worked on your writing skills by practicing them. I also learn best by practicing a skill until I’m competent in it. While I haven’t written academically for a few years, I believe my strong time management skills and forward thinking will accommodate for this. I’m consistent and reliable, and believe I’m a great candidate to be a member of your team.

I’ve attached my application letter below, and hope to hear from you soon.

Take care,





To: Hannah
From: Madeleine
Subject: Writing Team Application Response

Dear Hannah,

I am writing in response to your application for a position in my writing team. After reading your application I believe that we have complementary skills and beliefs.

For example, I also like to learn everything I can from a course. My favourite thing is to later apply the new knowledge to my everyday and professional life.

As I mentioned in my own application letter, I haven’t written academically (or professionally) in a while. However, you have experience writing professionally during you co-op at the women’s and children’s law center. In return, I can help you with your time management skills. During my career in fashion, managing time was essential. If you fell behind on one project, it became a domino effect. I’ve learnt from that experience and have honed effective time management skills.

I’ve attached my application letter below, and hope to hear from you soon.

Take care,





To: Jasmin
From: Madeleine
Subject: Writing Team Application Response

Dear Jasmin,

I am writing in response to your application for a position in my writing team. After reading your application I believe that we have complementary skills and beliefs. Like you, I’ve learnt attention to detail and consistency through my work experience. I now strongly value these traits, and would be glad to see them in a fellow teammate.

You also mention that your perfectionism can sometimes cause tasks to take longer than they need to be. I worked in the fashion industry, where everything is fast paced. From that experience I learnt quick decision-making, time management skills, and how to prioritize tasks and details. I believe that my experiences and skills will help complement yours. We could make a great team.

I’ve attached my application letter below, and hope to hear from you soon.

Take care,





To:         Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Instructor
From:    Madeleine Leroux
Date:      January 5, 2019
Subject: Professional Writing Team Application

As per the instructions on the ENGL 301 course website, I have posted my application letter for the Professional Writing Team position on my blog. Attached to this memo please find a copy of my application.

The attached application includes:

  • a brief history of my education
  • an overview of my experience working in the fashion industry
  • my strengths and weaknesses in terms of writing skills
  • how I learn and master new skills

Please let me know if you require any additional information. I look forward to hearing from you.

Enclosure:301 Madeleiene Leroux Application Letter


301 Madeleine Leroux Application Letter


1300 Elmwood Avenue
Vancouver, BC V6J 3G3

January 5, 2019

English 301 Students
University of British Columbia
2329 West Mall
Vancouver BC V6T 1Z4


Dear English 301 classmates:

Please consider my application for a position in your professional writing team, as advertised on the English 301 course website. I’m currently studying Computer Science at the University of British Columbia and expect to graduate in 2020. This will be my second Bachelor’s degree. My previous degree was a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA), with a major in Fashion and Textiles.

I graduated from my previous university, the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, in 2015 and worked for three years in the fashion industry. In fashion, you’re always working with the future in mind. Designers are expected to release up to eight different clothing collections per year, each at a preordained time period. However, the collections released will not enter stores until nearly a year has passed. For example, a label would release a collection of summer clothes intended for 2020 in September 2019. Working in the industry, I’ve learnt the importance of forward thinking, and time management. 

However, since I was out of school for a few year my academic writing and editing skills are a little rusty. I plan to work on this weakness by reading academic papers, and by practice. I best learn through practice, experience, and by learning how the skill can be applied to everyday life.

If my background fits your needs, please email me at madeleinemleroux@gmail.com. I look forward to working with you.


Madeleine Leroux
