Team Member Emails

To: Harsha
From: Madeleine
Subject: Writing Team Application Response

Dear Harsha,

I am writing in response to your application for a position in my writing team. After reading your application I believe that we have complementary skills and beliefs. Like you, I love to learn and grow. I also admire the work and effort you’ve put towards mastering your fourth(!) language.

You’ve worked on your writing skills by practicing them. I also learn best by practicing a skill until I’m competent in it. While I haven’t written academically for a few years, I believe my strong time management skills and forward thinking will accommodate for this. I’m consistent and reliable, and believe I’m a great candidate to be a member of your team.

I’ve attached my application letter below, and hope to hear from you soon.

Take care,





To: Hannah
From: Madeleine
Subject: Writing Team Application Response

Dear Hannah,

I am writing in response to your application for a position in my writing team. After reading your application I believe that we have complementary skills and beliefs.

For example, I also like to learn everything I can from a course. My favourite thing is to later apply the new knowledge to my everyday and professional life.

As I mentioned in my own application letter, I haven’t written academically (or professionally) in a while. However, you have experience writing professionally during you co-op at the women’s and children’s law center. In return, I can help you with your time management skills. During my career in fashion, managing time was essential. If you fell behind on one project, it became a domino effect. I’ve learnt from that experience and have honed effective time management skills.

I’ve attached my application letter below, and hope to hear from you soon.

Take care,





To: Jasmin
From: Madeleine
Subject: Writing Team Application Response

Dear Jasmin,

I am writing in response to your application for a position in my writing team. After reading your application I believe that we have complementary skills and beliefs. Like you, I’ve learnt attention to detail and consistency through my work experience. I now strongly value these traits, and would be glad to see them in a fellow teammate.

You also mention that your perfectionism can sometimes cause tasks to take longer than they need to be. I worked in the fashion industry, where everything is fast paced. From that experience I learnt quick decision-making, time management skills, and how to prioritize tasks and details. I believe that my experiences and skills will help complement yours. We could make a great team.

I’ve attached my application letter below, and hope to hear from you soon.

Take care,




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