Unit One Reflection

The initial Definition Assignment was quite challenging in terms of appropriately defining a word in multiple variations. In my opinion, the term I chose was quite complex and therefore I struggled simplifying the term in a parenthetical definition. I was able to simplify the term to my best ability with the goal of being informative yet brief. Another obstacle of this assignment was providing a visual definition as I was challenged with finding a diagram which guided and elaborated the definition rather than complicating the term. I was able to find a visual however, I think there is a stronger visual that could have been incorporated. In my opinion, the compare and contrast extended definition was also challenging because I was looking to compare contingency to something everybody could understand and relate to. I was left with comparing contingency to mask mandates during COVID-19 which to my understanding was a good use of a comparison.

The peer review process was extremely beneficial to me. I was enlightened with new ideas for writing concisely and it was the first time someone else had read my definition/ interpretation of contingency. Often times, I find myself understanding my writing but when my writing is peer reviewed, I become aware of areas where my writing is weak or areas where I am not clear with explanations. Being provided with feedback from an individual who may not be familiar with my term is the best way to receive feedback and this process showed me this.

Self editing this assignment was helpful in comparing my first draft to the final draft as I was able to tell where I was being vague in my definitions. Additionally, I find that as students we are often not granted this opportunity to revise an assignment after it has been graded with feedback so we are not always aware of areas where we need to improve. While I was self editing, I had found myself understanding my own writing differently than before and I was able to pick up on some of my own errors that were not stated in the peer review. Additionally, while revising , I felt challenged with leaving my writing habits behind and opting for conciseness as this is feedback I received in my peer review. I had noticed that I chose to write passively with phrases using “of” rather than being possessive while discussing the “homes conditions” rather than “the conditions of the home”.

Overall, this three process assignment was very beneficial to me. I was able to brainstorm a definition of contingency in six different ways and was able to use peer review to revise my definition.

Definitions Revised

Peer Review