A&F United

The A&F project has come to an end and I have to say it was an incredible journey and a rewarding experience because it helped me understand how important Marketing is as well as how it is a key factor for a company to succeed. These assignments were based on real world situations. From understanding the background of the company such as the history and the industry A&F was part of to recommend in what areas A&F should improve and what strategies it should implement, these assignments allowed me to improve my skills since the goal of these were to help A&F to implement the best marketing strategy that would allow them to segment the market they want and to target them in the most efficient way.

Each assignment had different objectives and missions to accomplish. This allowed me to be open minded when it comes to analyze the characteristics of A&F and how it is seen by customers around the world in order to make the best decision. Overall, this project provided us with real information about the company we chose to work on which made me realize how companies analyze themselves as well as their surroundings using in an efficient way the marketing tools we know.

Also, since the beginning of this project, I was able to meet great people who became my friends which I strongly believe that it helped the project be more fun and efficient. Each group member was fundamental for this project as everyone had different skills and opinions to contribute to the assignments. Therefore, we were able to concise every contribution to make a good recommendation.

I am proud with the results and the goals we achieved throughout this project and I am looking forward to working on more companies in the future.


If you market it well, you sell it even better!

In Muieen’s blog, he talks about DollarShaveClub, a company who is nothing but a producer of razors. However, they have created such a strong marketing campaign that not only provides cheap, simple, and accessible products but they have created a value for customers since they are as good or even better as the powerful brands (Gillette).

There is no doubt that the internet is one of the most powerful tools to communicate your value proposition, your ideas, your company to every customer around the world. Even though the product is not meant to be for everyone (market segmentation), a strong ad, such as the ad of DollarShaveClub, can have a strong impact on potential customers in the future.

Also, Muieen explains how this ad got 12,000 customers within the first two days of being online. This clearly reflects the power of marketing and how important marketing is because if a company can market it well, they will sell it even better.

The fact that the ad is simple, funny, and relaxed, Mike, founder of the company, is able to show customers that they don’t need fancy advertisements to show the benefits of their products. As long as you can create and capture the value on your customers, they will come to you.

I enjoyed watching the ad as well. Despite I am not part of this segment, I strongly believe that if I ever need a razor, I will go to DollarShaveClub instead of buying the overpriced brands such as Gillette.

Finally, This convinces me that there is always opportunities for people like us to take the risk and to be entrepreneurs to compete against important brands. A determinant factor will be marketing of course!.

This information was taken from Muieen Cader’s blog:

Also, if you want to watch the ad, follow the link below:

Growing city: The sustainable solution


The Canadian government is approving sustainable and composting programs as well as funding projects that will allow them to become a greener country in a near future. However, private businesses are also taking into account that sustainable projects can be profitable in the short run and long run while making a positive impact on the environment. This is because the sustainable market is currently becoming a success and people believe that sustainability will become the future of business.

Growing City is a young business established in 2010. It was created to promote composting across Canada. It is a simple, clean and easy way to compost and recycle from the convenience of your office and business. This is because businesses can now reduce their waste by up to 40% or more while making a positive impact to the environment and future generations.

Growing city is currently expanding across Canada and more businesses are investing in this sustainable project. Their unique service of in-office valet collection service differentiates them from the rest and it is really simple. First, the company provides the business with their Compo-Capsules where employees put the waste in the bin. Then, Growing City does the rest. They empty, clean and freshen the bin. Finally, in about 5 months, the waste is soil.

Growing City is not only providing a service to the community but it is also encouraging businesses and people to become more sustainable. There is no doubt that Growing City has created a value among these industry where everyone can help to compost and recycle more which is part of their success.

This market is growing exponentially and more countries will want to fund these businesses because they are profitable and sustainable. At the end of the day, who wouldn’t want to make profits and save the world?