Shortcuts for keyword research

Sometimes is very difficult  to find interesting and relevant keywords for you adwords campaign or for SEO for your website. It happened to me and my team in our Google Adwords Campaign so that is why when reading this aticle it made me realize some useful tips that i will share with you below.

Read the full article in here: Marketingpilgrim

Shortcut 1 – See what keywords you ALREADY rank for

Shortcut 2 – Tap into some analytics

Shortcut 3 – Dig into competitors’ search terms

Shortcut 4 – Expand your keyword list in a hit

Shortcut 5 – Filter out the junk

Shortcut 6 – Break keywords into groups

Shortcut 7 – Align keywords with page URLs

Keyword search tips


b2b SEO strategy planning

Webmarketing123 released a State of Digital Marketing Report last November. The report surveyed more than 500 B2B and B2C marketing professionals, with roughly a 66-34 percent split, respectively. The report takes an in-depth look at digital marketing focus, impact of SEOPPC, and social media programs, and where marketing managers are focusing budget in 2012.

The main points from this report are the followings:

  • 57 percent of B2Bs say SEO makes the biggest impact on their lead generation activities.
  • 55 percent of companies have closed deals from social media leads.
  • Social media is expected to see the biggest increase in investment moving into 2012.

This report can help to plan out strategies and what to do to marketers and establishing criteria for new SEO, PPC, and social media priorities moving forward.

For more information visit  Searchenginewatch

FREE Social Media Tracking Tools

We are all part of social media and it can be very useful for a business or just for leisure time. When using social media for any business, it can be difficult to track till what point is being useful and moreover how to track awareness, reputation and so on. This is why the following tracking tools facilitate this difficult task and most importantly FREE.


This Search Engine can track comments on your content from different social media sources. From Omgili (Oh My God I Love It) :

Omgili forum search engine lets you find communities, message boards, discussion threads about any topic. Omgili’s advanced search features make it the best search engine for forums out there.


Track comments to your social media content. Search for comments on your content from a wide range of social media sources.


This tool is a consolidated page with search matches across blogs, Twitter, Digg, Flickr and more. Featuring an appealing interface and one-page dashboard, Addict-o-matic is one of the best free tools available for summarizing all your “buzz” in one place.


4. Social Mention

Real time social media search and analysis results. Social media alerts, like Google Alerts but for social media. Receive free daily email alerts of your brand, company or marketing campaign.

5.Google Alerts

Google Alerts are email updates of the latest relevant Google results (web, news, etc.) based on your queries. Enter a search query you wish to monitor. You will see a preview of the type of results you’ll receive. Some handy uses of Google Alerts include:

  • monitoring a developing news story
  • keeping current on a competitor or industry
  • getting the latest on a celebrity or event
  • keeping tabs on your favorite sports teams

10 Apple Products that were not launched

Apple is very well known for having edge technology as well as for its innovation and products such as the iPod, iPhone and iPad. These are core parts for mobile marketing, social media and location based marketing. The next inventions where early versions or prototypes that later became in all the devices we all know.

  • The original iPhone
  • Apple WALT
  • Apple Penmac/PenLite
  • The early iPa
  • Apple Exchanger
  • Apple Timeband
  • Apple’s bike GPS unit
  • Early Mac Pro
  • Television
  • Invisible iPad



For more information on these devices and what they do visit Electricpig

Location based marketing

Location based marketing isusing global-positioning technology to send geographic-specific business marketing to consumers over their mobile devices, is a large and growing opportunity for businesses of all sizes.

Some tips according to Goodman to start in this trend are the followings:

  1. Allow customers to opt in.
  2. Be transparent.
  3. Don’t resell their information.
  4. Make it easy to opt out.
The next infographic tell us more why this is an important trend to follow in  2012. Going local as the  infographic says is going to be one of the motos for marketing in the next years and it is a good idea to get into it.

The following video is a help to get started to and have more information about it

QR Codes in 2012

What is a QR code?

Most of us are not familiarized with the term but almost all of us have seen at least one of them.QR codes or, Quick response codes are two-dimensional barcodes that can be readed by QR barcode readers and camera phones. With these, you can share text, data and URL.

The elements needed are: Customers that hae a smartphone and a QR Code reader, an applicarion to create QR Codes and the most important thing that is a reason or place to put your code and make your customers willing to scan the QR Code.

First some numbers.According to Fall 2011 research findings by Chadwick Martin Bailey:

  • 79% of us have never heard of a QR code – but 81% of us know a QR code when we see one
  • 50% of all smartphone owners have scanned a QR code – 50% haven’t
  • 18% of those who scanned a QR code indicated they made a purchase and that the scan was part of the purchase process
  • 21% of those who scanned the code shared the information they received with someone else
  • 70% of of those surveyed reported QR codes as ‘easy’ to scan
  • 44% of men and 36% of women found QR codes useful – overall 41% indicated the information they obtained was useful

In 2012…

QR Codes are already common and there will be a growth in the number of businesses that will use them ans also more customers will use them to find infomation,deals and so on. There are endless ways on how to use them and there can be a lot of creativity going on. Most of this codes can be used free and have a lot of benefits.


Pinterest site as social media



This is a new form os social media were people can show their interests in a pin board that can be shared with the rest of the world. Basically you can upload any image you found surfing the internet and posting it under different categories and then share it.

Pinterest goal is: Our goal is to connect everyone in the world through the ‘things’ they find interesting. We think that a favorite book, toy, or recipe can reveal a common link between two people. With millions of new pins added every week, Pinterest is connecting people all over the world based on shared tastes and interests.

These different categories can fall into holiday wish list, recipes, online catalog, art work, weddings and events, infographics,event postings and product releases, how-tos,coupons and pet adoptions. Reading the anterior list give us an idea that the overall target market is women.

If you are in a business, this might give you an idea why is important to take a look at this new site.

Given all the traffic generated by this site many business ca raise their awareness and traffic in their own website as well as be a sales driver. In the next infographic we can see how different business can be beneficiated by using Pinterest to market themselves.

using pinterest to market products
Pinterest Infographic, an Infographic by Linchpin SEO

Pinterest has had an enourmous growth in 2012 and it is for sure a trend to follow as customers and a different way to make customers aware of your products and services as a business.

Youtube marketing tips

Founded in February 2005, YouTube is the leader in online video, and the premier destination to watch and share original videos worldwide through a Web experience. YouTube allows people to easily upload and share video clips on and across the Internet through websites, mobile devices, blogs, and email.

As part of some marketing campaigns, many companies use Youtube to to raise awareness as well as increase traffic on their websites, but making people interested in your videos might result difficult.

Some tips by Marketing Resource index show us the following: (

  1. Video creation, create helpful videos to your audience about an specific issue
  2. Customize your channel, applying brand personality to it
  3. Create playlists,of top videos and also have keywords for them
  4. Video Title, with keywords
  5. Video Tags
  6. Share videos through your social media

Another tips might include how to build an audience where the next video by Daisy Whitney might help.


Overall, there is not an exact formula to follow in order to get your video viral and get millions of views on youtube but following the next steps can get you to have more views for your target market.

Social TV as one of the emerging technologies in 2012

We can understand Social Television as “a general term for technology that supports communication and social interaction in either the context of watching television, or related to TV content. It also includes the study of television-related social behavior, devices and networks. Social television systems can for example integrate voice communication, text chat, presence and context awareness, TV recommendations, ratings, or video-conferencing with the TV content either directly on the screen or by using ancillary devices.”( Read more in the Wikipedia article: )

TV as a traditional media has redefined itself thanks to social media. Even when social TV has been there since almost 20 years now, it really began its hit a couple of years ago. In a dying industry, TV networks are trying its best to remain as the most influencial media integrating itself with the new available technologies. Having a place in social media such as Facebook and Twitter as well as its own website and blog, allows them to recconect with their audiences and keep their spot while people multitask the usage of smartphones and internet while being in front of their TV, as well as sharing information with friends. Trough the Social Media TV networks are able to engage with their audience and develop new relationships with people that do not know about their programs and channels creating a bigger audience and better ratings.

There are new opportunities that this trend is generating and this may cause benefits for TV Networks, such as:

  • Social Viewing: Watching TV along with other people commenting what is happening, also encouraging other people to join the “live-viewing experience”
  • Measurement: Marketers of Networks can measure via Twitter information their viewers are emmiting and if they are like or not each part of the show presenting live on the TV.
  • Curation: People being able to create their own channels in the future
  • Commerce: Social commerce will become social TV commerce

As an example of how social TV works, we can mention the last superbowl, which broke all social TV and broadcast records.


As we can see thanks to the Bluefin’s data, there is a lot of information displayed about the Superbowl and the audience who watched it. It generated 12.2 million social media comments, up 600% from 2011′s 1.8 million comments. More information is generated instantly and marketers can now know what their audience wants and social tv may grow even more in the next years so it is a technology worth to be looking for.