Who cares advertising is unethical?


Going through my classmates’ blogs I found one that stood out. It’s written by Emily C, and it can be found here. Emily criticizes the modern trend of advertising to completely disregard ethics and values to sell a product. She says that the ad “screams sex” and that it also subordinates women.

I think differently. In a capitalist society with a free market although regulated to some extent by the government, companies should have the freedom to advertise as they wish. Why? Because they know better how to increase revenue. And by increasing revenue, they will expand and a) hire more people and b) pay more taxes.

Now, let’s not get too extreme. Of course there must be some rules. For example, full nudity might bee a little too out there. But to criticize sexism in advertising is to bring down one of the most important means of advertising! Who cares if the ads gets a little naughty?! It works, doesn’t it? We’re even writing blogs about it!

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