Pipeline project postponed

The Northern Gateway pipeline project has been postponed to 2018. The main reason for this is the opposition from the First Nation groups. The Nak’adzli have said that there will be no way they will accept, they will either take this to courts or block the project directly on land.

This land is of great importance; it has lots of valuable resources to the Nak’adzli, as well as its home to different species, trout, ducks, geese, grizzly, black bears and beavers. The biggest concern to First Nations is the possibility of an oil spill and the effect this may have in the environment.

Enbridge has said that they will try to come to an agreement with First Nations so they can continue working on the project. Some First Nations groups have already agreed;  25 First Nations groups have agreed to accept a 10% equity state in the pipeline. In the past First Nations have agreed to work with different companies and have had some positive financial growth because of this.

This is a case where an external factor is impacting the organizations business model. The time frame for the development of the pipeline had to be changed as well as discussions with First Nations have become on of the companies priorities. This social issue is stopping Gateway from developing its project.

In my opinion its good that First Nations are defending their land and natural resources, by doing this they are doing all of us a  a favor, taking care of our natural resources. Although I agree with them defending their land I think that First Nations should be more consistent with their decisions. In the past they have made alliances with mining and oil companies and their protects affect the land just as much or even more as the risks are higher.

“Nothern Gateway Pipeline Unlikely to Start Uo by 2018.” Vancouver Sun. Canadian Press, 4 Sept. 2014. Web. <http%3A%2F%2Fwww.vancouversun.com%2FNorthern%2BGateway%2Bpipeline%2Bthrough%2Bunlikely%2Bstart%2B2018%2Bproject%2Bpresident%2Bsays%2F10174245%2Fstory.html>.

There Will Be No Pipeline.” Www.vancouversun.com. Vancouver Sun, n.d. Web. 05 Oct. 2014. <http://www.vancouversun.com/news/There%2Bwill%2Bpipeline/10122968/story.html>.

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