Climate book suggestions for the holidays

In the science and nature section of your local bookstore, if you still have a local bookstore, there are plenty of good books about climate change.

The best-known options of the past few years includes scientists’ takes on the science and the battles over the science, like Jim Hansen’s Storms of my Grandchildren and Michael Mann’s The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars, and detailed takes on the groups that sought to cast doubt on the scientific consensus, including James Hoggan’s no-holds-barred The Climate Cover-up” (with Richard Littlemore) and Merchants of Doubts from Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway.

If a friend or member of your family is looking to dive deeper into the history of our relationship with the climate, and how that might influence thinking about climate change today, here are a few suggestions. They may not be in the local store, but they can all be found via online retailers:

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