Revived and Remade

El Santo

This photo is a “remade” portrait of a famous Mexican wrestling legend: El Santo. It is well-known by all the Mexicans by his participation on “Lucha Libre” and he was considered as a hero in many comics and movies he made. He has a son that’s also in the bussiness of wrestling and he owns his own web page:

For more info:

Another surreal butterfly

Based on the piece of Vladimir Kush, a surrealist painter.

About 25 years ago

I like to carry with me, in my wallet, photos of all of the members of my family. This photo of my mom was taken about 25 years ago and its a little bit damage by the pass of the years.


This photo shows the changes of life through the same image on a passport. From right to left, on the first one I had 9 months, the middle one I had 4 years old and in the third one I had 14 years old.


This little piece of bread with peanut butter and jam with a well-known image of Mickey Mouse.