Sun in the Sky and Bubbles in the Fountain

My name is Mary, and I’m a first year Arts student. Today (okay, technically tomorrow) marks two weeks since I moved into Totem Park from Kelowna.  I’ve had two weeks to get acclimatized to res, two weeks to shake hands and learn names, two weeks of lectures to test the water here. And it’s been great. It really has.

But honestly? Nothing made me feel really connected to my campus until four things happened, in quick succession, like dominoes:

  1. My first practice debate with the UBC debate club. It felt like home. (Yes, I’m cool and you’re very jealous.)
  2. My visit to the Ubyssey’s office. (I <3 writing.)
  3. Starting this blog. (I put up the background pictures last night, even though I hadn’t actually posted anything yet.)
  4. Waking up this morning to find the fountain overflowing with bubbles.

For some reason, seeing our gorgeous, if rather austere fountain overflowing with what must have been half a dozen bottles of dish soap made me feel like I was going to be fine here. This sense of relief washed over me, and I realized that UBC isn’t just made up of partiers and academics. There are also partiers and academics with a sense of humour.

Coming back from my early class around nine, something else happened. In what I can only assume to be an on-the-spot expression of glee, a student stripped down to his shorts and waded into the fountain. He threw bubbles up into the air as the Plant Operations men used skimmers to help. I didn’t get his name, so I’ll call him “Bubbles.”

My hero. Thank you, Bubbles, for being a kid again.

Well, Bubbles, you’re my hero. I don’t know if you put the soap in the fountain or if you just enjoyed the results, but the fact that you were comfortable enough in your own skin to jump in the fountain and play with the bubbles gives me hope for this generation.

Because I was getting a little worried about growing up, and it’s nice to know that it’s not time to.

Not quite yet.

2 thoughts on “Sun in the Sky and Bubbles in the Fountain

  1. Considering that we are right next to wreck beach, i am sure that there will be no shortage of people who are comfortable with their own skin, haha.

    Welcome to ubc btw.

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