About me

If you’re looking for my Windermere Secondary teaching page, please go to:


I’m in the BEd Programme at UBC, and graduate in 2016. Hailing from Vancouver, I attended UBC for my first degree and the London School of Economics (and Political Science!) for my second. I lived in London from 2007 – 2013, starting in Holland Park (the dodgy end), then Primrose Hill, and finally Hampstead.

We always lived in small flats and our last dwelling was a 50 sq. m. wing of a Victorian mansion. The home’s backyard rivalled some urban parks (see photo). It made up for the windowless kitchen and constant drafts!

I worked very near London Bridge as a Research Analyst in private equity from 2009 – 2011, then in hedge fund and education consulting from 2011 – 2013. One of the projects I completed was a feasibility study and proposal for a new university on the island of Jersey (Jersey turned it down, but neighbouring island Guernsey picked it up; the BBC reported on the story here: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-guernsey-24955308).

Missing family and fresh air, I moved back to Vancouver in 2013, trading character for modern conveniences. I’d been planning on becoming a teacher for many years prior and in 2014 felt emotionally and financially ready to commit to the UBC BEd.
