arrivederci girlhood (i woke up with a new grey hair)

Elena Ferrante checks your mailbox, I’m sending you a check for emotional damages. 

Holy fuck I loved this book. This genuinely might be one of my favourite books I’ve read this semester, and maybe on of my favourites books  in a while. It’s in this novel’s simplicity is where I found the most connection to it. I loved how simple the storyline and plot were but every chapter held its own and made an impact on me.

I found myself comparing it a lot to Sally Rooney’s ‘Normal People’ which is one of my favourite books. Both these novels have a very simple plot: just two people growing up. ‘Normal People’ focuses more on a romantic relationship between two people who just CANT communicate, whereas ‘My Brilliant Friend’ is the coming-of-age story of two girls. I also compared it to ‘The Hour of The Star”. As both novels are ways of looking at the experiences girlhood through the lens of class and political dynamics 

I loveddd the way this novel depicted young girls growing up (cause hella relatable). The struggle of getting people to like you while also trying to like yourself during the awkward years of growing up. And actually don’t get me started on the beautiful depictions of female friendships in this novel. While Lila and Elena have their fair share of ups and downs (very Connell and Marianne of them), they always find their way back to each other. There were multiple times when I wondered “Do these girls even like each other” but then a few chapters later seeing their bond being so strong. Lila and Elena’s friendship goes through a full range of human emotions: it’s both beautiful and pure but also full of competition and animosity. It felt real and true to real experiences of friendship, especially between girls of this age. 

This back and forth genuinely had me struggling to figure out if I supported their friendship or not. I went through every emotion reading this book with these girls, I was angry, sad, and happy, wanted to punch multiple characters in the face (I’m looking at you Donato). There were so many moments in this book where I wish I was a character so I could talk to Elena and Lila and offer some kind of advice (cause these girls need some kind of role model I beg). 

My question for discussion is: “Do you think Elena and Lila’s friendship is positive or negative or a mix of both?” 

And yes I will be watching the show and yes I will be continuing the rest of the Neapolitan Novels. And yes maybe I’ll even learn some Italian.

1 thought on “arrivederci girlhood (i woke up with a new grey hair)

  1. Daniel Orizaga Doguim

    “I loveddd the way this novel depicted young girls growing up (cause hella relatable)“. This is an interesting twist after almost exclusively reading these types of men’s stories, don’t you think? I agree with you, this novel is fantastic. But just as we can identify in some passages with what happens to the characters, and we can even feel sympathy for some, it also shows us abysmal differences with the current world. The narrator asks us to make an effort to reconstruct that world, that “temps perdu” as in Proust. Full circle!


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