
In reading Hobbes many of the concepts and ideas introduced went over my head for the first 3 times I laboured over the paragraphs. Eventually some of the ideas stuck (definitely not all) and I found myself, regardless of the labour needed to understand Leviathan, liking it, at least more than Plato. The sections I found most interesting were those in the very beginning regarding imagination,  understanding and speech (2,3). What I found really interesting was the reoccurrence of an idea that I was introduced to in high school being the falsehood that arises with speech. The fact that “… true and false are attributes of speech, not of things” (11, p. 18)  is extremely interesting to me as I never would have thought that there was a source for such concepts. Something else I found interesting was Hobbes apparent distain for the wordiness of some other academic texts: “Seeing then that truth consisteth in the right ordering of names in our affirmations, a man that seeketh precise truth had need to remember what every name he uses stands for, to place it accordingly, or else he will find himself entangled in words.” (12, p. 19). I found this to not only be interesting in the sense that it is common in academic writing today (we seem to value clear, concise writing), but it seems to me to be Hobbes’ direct justification for his excessive defining. Leviathan is an interesting read, just one that takes me a great deal of time to get through.

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  1. Yes, Hobbes takes a lot of patience! But I do think he has very interesting things to say once you finally get a decent grasp on his argument. I don’t fully agree with everything he says about politics, of course, but the more I dig into his arguments the more I find myself agreeing with a lot of them. Hmmmm….what does that say about me?! 🙂

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