

Cinnabon is everyone’s favourite indulgence. With over 500 bakeries, it’s hard to resist. The brand has rapidly expanded since its opening in 1985, with stores in mall food courts, a move to supermarkets, partnerships with fast-food chains such as Burger King and affiliations with popular brands like Pillsbury. They also added a variety of products including deluxe and miniature versions of their classic cinnabon among other products.

Kat Cole is Cinnabon’s president. She demonstrates what brand power and hard work can achieve. In late 2010, she was hired as Cinnabon’s chief operating officer, and three months after finishing her MBA, she was promoted to president. Under her guidance the chain has doubled and is open in over 54 countries. It has also reached the $1 billion mark in retail sales.

While under fire for the health risks that an 880 calorie cinnabon poses, both Cole and buyers were horrified. “Don’t mess with perfection”, said one respondent. The brand has reached its loyal customer base through numerous channels and is fulfilling that need for a delectable experience that each bite affords. Its’ main purpose is to offer each customer an escape into the heavenly pastry, and Cinnabon does its’ job well.


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