Tag Archives: planning

Sustainable Urban Design

I’m in ENDS 221 this term, or Sustainability by Design. It’s about urban planning and design and how we can create sustainable communities by changing our built urban environments. We had a lecture last week about a planning project that is happening in Edmonton. They are trying to convert an old airport site to a new neighborhood. It’s one of the most ambitious sustainable community projects ever! It was really neat to learn about. The best part was that they’re going to design a neighborhood around people growing their own food! The neighborhood is called the “Agrihood.” It’s a pretty cool idea. I would love to help them design a community around food and gardens.

The group that is doing the plan is called Perkins+Will. Check our their Edmonton project, or just peruse their site. They’ve done a lot of projects that we would all recognize.


Here are some pictures of the Agrihood.