Lush (Fresh handmade cosmetics)

Lush is a company that is well- known for its fresh handmade cosmetics. It brands itself as having products that are made with natural ingredients. Indeed, it may sure be handmade and possibly even fresh but the major question is: do they actually use all natural ingredients as they say they do?

They have built a smooth brand image that leads consumers to believe that their products are safe and with high quality. They pride themselves on using all organic and natural ingredients in their products. Hence, consumers don’t doubt that the ingredients may be unnatural.  Unfortunately, Lush actually produces and sells products that contain harmful chemicals. One of the most pertinent chemical they use is called Parabens which is a harmful chemical that can pass through the upper layer of skin and actually enter the bloodstream. Of greatest concern is that Parabens are known to disrupt hormone function, an effect that is linked to increased risk of breast cancer and reproductive toxicity. When questioned about the use of Paraben in their product , they defend themselves by saying that this chemical is used in their product but in small quantities. But does is it really matter whether it is used in small or large quantity, I don’t think so! The main point here is that they try to cover it up by not putting it out there and also by saying that it has been used for many years in many cosmetics and therefore has been proven to be not that harmful. The fact of the matter is that their product contains the toxin and they fail to recognize that and inform their customers. They include this toxin while claiming to be all natural and fresh. Hence, I believe that using this kind of tactic to advertise their product is unethical.