This so-called “pivotal moment of my life” calls for a blog post. Because guess who just turned 19 yesterday?

Thank you everyone for the lovely birthday wishes. <3 It means so much to me. Love you guys.
I had an amazing day at West Ed. Super chill and relaxed, just the way I like it. Hit up the WATER SLIDES with my little brother. What can I say? I guess I’m still a kid at heart. Plus, road trips, good food and even better company. Couldn’t ask for a better way to spend a birthday.
Sorry to disappoint. But contrary to the smack loads of comments on my facebook wall on the expected agenda for the evening… I did not hit up Caprice, Fabric or downtown at all for that matter. To be perfectly honest, I didn’t feel like it and I’m going to say that it’s not really my thing anymore. But of course, school’s just around the corner and with school comes the parties. So here’s the “…going on 90” part: This is my attempt to play the grown-up figure (my mother would be proud) and probably the only time I’ll ever lecture you. So listen up, you’ll thank me later.

Spend your Saturday nights at Irving or Koerner (not Koerner's). Sleep at 10 pm sharp. Don’t go to the frat party. Avoid Granville Street. Don’t give a thought about Pit Night. Stay away from Wreck.
…you’re probably rofl by now. Gotcha! I may be “going on 90”, but I’ll still be a cool 90 year old. I get that you’re in university to learn + have fun. And since everything I listed above not to do, you will inevitably find yourself at one day… here’s a list of resources to stay SAFE while having FUN. (aka things I wish I knew in first year).
1. Campus BluePhones

Not just for emergencies, press the button on the big blue phone to be linked to UBC Campus Security 24/7 for access to information, directions and safewalk. BluePhones are also located in some campus elevators.
Blue Chip cookie for the first person who can list all the locations of the BluePhones on campus. I know I walk by them all the time but as big and blue as they are, for some reason you never remember their location. So courtesy of Mr. Paul Wong, Manager of Community Relations at UBC Campus Security, here’s a list:
1 Northwest Marine Drive (across from the Rose Garden Parkade)
2 West Mall & Crescent Road (near International House)
3 Main Mall & Crescent Road (across from the Flag Pole near Buchanan A)
4 Main Mall & Memorial Road (at Wyman Plaza)
5 Lower Mall between Memorial Road & University Boulevard (near Place Vanier)
6 West Mall & Agricultural Road (near First Nations House of Learning)
7 Main Mall & Agricultural Road (near White Spot/Tim Hortons)
8 East Mall & Agricultural Road (between Barber Library and Hennings)
9 Student Union Boulevard (near Student Union Building)
10 Health Sciences Plaza (near Woodward Library/Instructional Resource Centre)
11 East Mall & University Boulevard (across from the Bookstore)
12 Main Mall & University Boulevard (near Biological Sciences)
13 Lower Mall & University Boulevard (across from St John’s College near Ponderosa Centre)
14 Main Mall & Stores Road (near Earth & Ocean Sciences and the Barn Coffee Shop)
15 Stores Road between Main Mall & West Mall (near Frank Forward)
16 West Mall & Agronomy Road (near Ritsumeikan)
17 Main Mall & Agronomy Road (near Land & Food Systems/MacMillan)
18 West Mall & University Boulevard (near Hut M21 & M22)
19 East Mall & Memorial Road (near Brock Hall)
20 Main Mall & Thunderbird Boulevard (near the Barn Community Centre, Hawthorn Place)
21 Main Mall & Eagles Drive (near Rhododendron Wood, Hawthorn Place)
22 Health Sciences Mall & Agronomy Road (near Life Sciences)
23 Between Land & Food Systems/MacMillan and Frank Forward (leads to stairs up to the Barn Café)
24 Barber Library 1st floor
25 Barber Library 2nd floor
26 Barber Library 3rd floor
27 Barber Library 4th floor
2. AMS Safewalk

Save the number: 604-822-5255 (direct line).
Available anywhere on campus. Savewalk operates 7pm to 2am nightly. Call them on their direct line or ask for Safewalk at one of the bluephones.
3. UBC Campus Security
Save the number: 604-822-2222.
Available 24/7 also look for those Campus Security Patrol cars in case of emergency. Campus Security also deals with lost and found as well as all these cool resources I never knew about: jumpstart, key watch, bike security, property engraving as well as putting invisible ink on your textbook. Check their website for more info. Campus Security also provides a free safety whistle, pick yours up at the Imagine Day Carnival or at their office, 2133 East Mall (next to Bookstore).
4. UBC Shuttles (C20, C21)

Would you rather trudge through campus from Vanier to the bus loop in your heels? Or would you rather just take the C-20? That’s what I thought, and also the safer option. A very popular mode of transportation on Friday/Saturday nights, expect full buses! C-20 servicing Thunderbird, Totem, Ritz, Hawthorn, Marine + Vanier. C-21 servicing Fairview and Hamptons. Click on link for full route maps.
5. Yellow Cab
Save the number: (604) 681-1111
Eventually when you get brave enough to venture downtown. Do yourself a favour and add one more number into your cell. In case you can’t find your way to the N-17 (direct nightbus to UBC). Expect $30+ cab fares from downtown to ubc.
6. Other Useful Phone Numbers
I hope you never have to call any of these numbers, but just in case:
Ambulance 604-872-5151
Biosafety 604-822-7596
Chemistry Safety 604-822-9280
Counselling Services 604-822-3811
Environmental Programs 604-822-9280
Family Practice Unit — UBC Site 604-827-4168
Fire Prevention 604-665-6069
Equity Office 604-822-6353
Health, Safety and Environment 604-822-2029
Occupational Hygiene 604-822-2643
Radiation Safety 604-822-7052
RCMP — University Detachment 604-224-1322
Student Health Service 604-822-7011
Trouble Calls — Plant Operations 604-822-2173
Sexual Assault Support Centre (SASC) 604-827-5180
Vancouver Fire Department 604-665-6000
Vancouver Police Department 604-717-3321
Know of other safety/security resources? Please email me at