
Big thanks to a fellow classmate who shared the instructions below on how to view the html 🙂

Right click on the above link :

  • Save link as and choose a location.
  • Click save
  • If the download bar pops up in the bottom corner saying it is not safe, click on the the little up arrow on the download bar and select “keep”.
  • It will start downloading. Right click and choose open
  • It will open a file folder. Click on the icon and it should open in a web browser.


Bolter (2001, pp. 33) discusses, “All writers have had the experience of being overwhelmed with ideas as they write. It was a Romantic notion that the act of writing could itself release a flood of thoughts— one idea suggesting another and another, as the writer struggled to get them down in some form before they slipped from his conscious grasp.” This had me reflecting on how I am not a creative writer. I must have stared at my blank twine screen for an hour to simply come up with a choose your own adventure story. Am I not a teacher? I can drop story prompts like no tomorrow in my kindergarten class, but to know this will be posted on my Blog, for my masters class, I became my worst enemy and had serious writer’s block.

As I continued the readings and videos for the week, I connected with Bolter (2001, pp. 33) when the reading stated, “In the late age of print, however, we are concerned not that there is too much in our minds to get down on paper, but rather that there is too much information held in electronic media for our minds to assimilate. We are now overwhelmed from without rather than from within.”  I had to learn the new Twine platform, figure out my story and then put it on my blog, yup the information got me and I was overwhelmed.

Twine was my catalyst this week. I am on a Golden week holiday in China so I was very excited to get ahead with my assignments. Well my understanding and creating of  hypertext and hypermedia had me stumped. After watching several videos on YouTube and articles and blogs on Twine, I came out with a basic, some colour added story this week. My pictures, sound effects and background photos would not work. But, with my frustration I found how neat Twine is and have already shared the site with a colleague who does choose your own adventures stories with his grade 4 students. I have left instructions that when he figures how to use Twine to its full potential to please give me a lesson.

Choose your own story adventures has been around since I was in school, now it has neat tech versions. Do I think hypertext is the end of print, no, but a differentiated version that will cause a spark interest for someone to see where their creativity takes them.


Barton, M. (2002). Writing Space: Computers, Hypertext, and the Remediation of Print Jay David Bolter (2nd ed.), Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, 2001, 232 pp. Computers and Composition. Published.