Business Ethics

Nike, one of the world’s most glamorous sports brands that everyone looks up to, has been accused of physically and verbally abusing its workers for years. No improvements or solutions have been made. In fact, the situation is getting worse –  workers in the factories making Converse in Indonesia have reported some serious verbal abuse and these are the worst verbal abuses, comparing to other Nike factories around the world. In essence, workers have no basic human rights once they step into their workplace. With no basic rights, workers constantly work under pressure, fear, and anxiety – any minute they may be abused by their managers. The main ethical issue is that corporations should provide their workers a comfortable and safe workplace to work, especially those like Nike, a corporation in the lead. Physical and verbal abuse should be eliminated in order to offer a safe workplace for employees. With these ideas held in mind, employees are more willing to work for the company because it is simply disrespectful, immoral, and unethical for businesses to not provide its workers a carefree working environment. Employees and workers should be and deserve to be treated nicely.