Monthly Archives: November 2018

Paper on reading fluency intervention in French

This paper recently published in Canadian Journal of School Psychology shows that reading fluency intervention in French improved English reading skills for Grade 3 students in a French immersion program. The full paper can be viewed here: Archambault et al author version

Archambault, C., Mercer, S. H., Cheng, M. P., & Saqui, S. (in press). Lire en Français: Cross-linguistic effects of reading fluency interventions in French immersion programs. Canadian Journal of School Psychology. doi:10.1177/0829573518757790

Paper on automated text evaluation

This paper recently published in Learning Disability Quarterly shows that computer scoring of writing samples performs as well as hand scoring for students in grades 2-5. The full paper can be viewed here: Mercer et al LDQ automated text evaluation.

Mercer, S. H., Keller-Margulis, M. A., Faith, E. L., Reid, E. K., & Ochs, S. (in press). The potential for automated text evaluation to improve the technical adequacy of written expression curriculum-based measurement. Learning Disability Quarterly.