
As the costs of housing and food continue to rise in Metro Vancouver, the number of households facing food insecurity rises. The Greater Vancouver Food Bank saw a 22% increase in users accessing their services over the summer (CBC News, 2018). There is clearly a need for food banks in the region, but are the current sites located where they are needed most? Where is there currently a need for a food bank site based on income levels? These are the questions I wanted to answer.

The purpose of this project was to identify current food bank sites in Metro Vancouver in comparison to low income areas. Locating current food bank sites turned out to be a project itself as no central list exists and this worked to highlight the difficulty faced by those needing these services because this information is not necessarily easily or quickly found. Once food bank sites were located and mapped, income, land use, and transit data was used to analyze how well-placed current sites are and where new sites would be best located.

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