
Hello and Welcome!

My name is Meredith Gillespie, and I am currently pursuing my passion for urban planning at Ryerson University. To learn even more about me, please take a look at my biography.

This website presents my Web Folio, which is a digital collection of my personal and professional experiences, along with examples of my best work. This Web Folio is designed with the Vancouver Art Gallery in mind. You can view my application for the “Group Bookings Assistant” position at the gallery here.

Please feel free to peruse my Web Folio, which consists of the following:

  • Home – An introduction to myself and my Web Folio.
  • Biography – Further details on my personal and professional interests. You can also see my page on my involvement in organizations which I’m deeply committed to.
  • Blogs – Reflections on the development of my writing and learning over time
  • My LinkedIn profile – My digital presence on LinkedIn, which summarize my interests and experiences.
  • My résumé – A summary of my professional and academic experiences as they relate to the position of Group Bookings Assistant at the Vancouver Art Gallery.
  • The “Group Bookings Assistant” Position Application – the application for the position at the Vancouver Art Gallery.
  • Best Works – Some examples of my best technical writing pieces, including a term definition and a formal report proposal.

Thank you so much for visiting my website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at gillespiemeredith@live.com.