Hello and Welcome!

This blog will be a central location for the examples of business writing I will get an opportunity to write through this course. I am enthused by the idea of learning how to produce writing under new contexts such as a Web Folio. I am also looking forward to strengthening my writing skills in contexts I am already familiar with, such as proposals and abstracts.

The ability to write effectively in the business world has only become more important over time. With more students receiving an undergraduate degree at the very least in recent years, it has become even more difficult to ‘get your foot in the door’. Proving yourself adept at writing specifically for job postings, for example, can make the difference between being employed or not. Writing collaboratively will most certainly better prepare me for the workforce where projects and group work are commonplace.  I would also like to create a crisp, clear, professional website which can be provided in the job application process to prove my technical writing prowess!

One of the main purposes of the course is to develop self-editing skills. I expect to improve in this regard in this course, since there are many ways in which to self-reflect that are structured into the course. Peer review and online discussion are merely two of these opportunities.  One final objective I hope to achieve by the end of the course is to be able to write business correspondence. Learning to write for different sectors of the professional world is crucial, as some positions require communication with people in a different sector to your own. By being able to target my language to the audience, learning to self-reflect on my writing, and writing business correspondence, I hope to become a more successful professional post-graduation.

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