Author Archives: Meredith Gillespie

3. The Future of Suburban Ethnic Malls like Dragon Centre

In an ideal world, the racial tensions the Dragon Centre provoked would have been left firmly in the past. Yet racism continues to rear its ugly head in modern Canadian society. In 2017 a woman went on a racist rant … Continue reading

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2. The Role of Ethnic Retailing in Creating Meaning

Cultural identity is expressed through ethnic retailing. Qadeer explains that immigrants shape how the city is built by creating places that serve their needs (2016). As Howard Tam explained to us in his lecture, the mall was always designed with … Continue reading

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1. The Historic Importance of the Dragon Centre

Dragon Centre was the first indoor Chinese shopping mall in Toronto and it had a profound effect on the surrounding area. It all began with a poor planning decision on the part of the City of Scarborough. Mohammad Quadeer notes … Continue reading

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Political and Religious Diversity

Analyzing the built form in Little Tibet provides interesting clues about local residents’ religious and political beliefs. Firstly, there are seven religious institutions within the boundaries of Little Tibet. There are places for Baptists, Anglicans, Catholics, Presbyterians, and Bhuddists to … Continue reading

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Ethnic Diversity

My first impression of Little Tibet was that it had delicious Tibetan food! I decided to eat dinner at Garleek Kitchen, located in the heart of Little Tibet on Queen Street West (see Figure 3). The thukpa, which is a … Continue reading

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The Context of Little Tibet

After some initial explorations of ethnic landscapes in Toronto’s inner city, I settled on Little Tibet, an ethnic enclave within the Parkdale neighbourhood of the city. The boundaries of this neighbourhood have been defined in various ways by the Parkdale … Continue reading

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Looking Back on the Course and How to Self-Assess

Reflecting on your own work is not always an easy process. It is all too easy to get carried away by a train of thought when writing. Even if you understand this point after reading it through, it is ultimately … Continue reading

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Insights from Creating a Web Folio

Web Folios provide an excellent opportunity to create a tailored representation of your identity. Since I will be attending graduate school in the future, it is useful to have a digital collection of both my professional and personal interests. I … Continue reading

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What I Learned from Creating a Formal Report

Being able to pick a project we are passionate about made this a fun report to write! And I don’t say that lightly. Above all, I learned that the research process varies depending on your project, and being flexible is … Continue reading

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New Reflections on Peer Reviewing, LinkedIn and a Report Proposal

Unit 2 has been action-packed! From creating a LinkedIn profile, to preparing a report proposal and outline, to reviewing our peers’ work, it’s been an exciting time. Read on for some reflections on my work this unit. On Creating a … Continue reading

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