Marketing: A way to satisfy life?

A student with a whole bunch of science knowledge and a limited understanding of marketing. The fact that I had to write something about marketing was somewhat tough for me. In addition, this is also my first time writing blogs, which made it even harder. So I decided to get an idea about how to write a blog and what marketing is about by looking through others’ blog. From what I’ve observed, the trend seems to be writing about how much marketing experience and awards you’ve had in your past. Unlike my friend( who hasĀ traveledĀ and won awards from marketing, I actually have never even thought about this subject. So instead, I’m going to write about my marketing observations.

From the first class, I found out that marketing is about satisfying consumer needs by providing products and services. So then I thought to myself, was there a time when I was satisfied by something?

And that was when I found the connection, a recent one in fact. During beginning of term everyone was frantically buying and selling textbooks, especially those who want to save some money by buying used books. Although there are many used books out there, it was not easy looking for the right people who actually have the ones you want. One way to do it was to find people through friends, but wasn’t too effective since friends are limited. Luckily, I found this Facebook group where UBC students had been selling and buying books. Although the set up wasn’t very organized, it was effective enough to allow students to exchange books between over 3000 students. Although I’m not quite sure if this has anything to do with marketing, but I can guarantee the money I earned and saved was very satisfying.