Mobile Phones: War over OS

“In the 1980s, Apple and Microsoft battled it out for the PC market, and Microsoft won by allowing independents to make its hardware and software. Apple’s Steve Jobs had a different idea” CBC, “Apple, Google in Platform, war over mobile” Speaking of mobile phone platform, iOS and android would definitely be the first two popped out … Continue reading

An Arc by ARC

Inspired by Danica Ilaneta,  “The Arc of Support” I’ve never thought about how the knowledge we learned at school would actually be applied to the real life.  All those business concepts and theories, even the huge piece of business model canvas sound totally unrelated to anything but assignments.  I’ll never thought about using the knowledge … Continue reading

Future of DSLR?

  Credit to Matthews Anderson’s Blog: “DSLR Cameras: Falling Exposures”. I wouldn’t be so aware of the DSLR industry without reading Matthew’s comment on the Reuters UK business article. Yes, as a fan of DSLR for more than 5 years, it is really a shocking news that predicted DSLR’s replacement by smartphones in the future. Why … Continue reading

The Power of Smile

A man eating a gigantic burger? Not a big problem.  For girls? It might be a little awkward eating this way, isn’t it? This issue might not be quite significant in other places but Japan because of the special cultural symbol named  “ochobo”- a small shapely mouth as a sign of beauty.   However, such … Continue reading

Smartphones: Where Are We Heading?

“Intel has the wrong business model… People in the mobile phone architecture don’t buy microprocessors, so if you sell microprocessors, you have the wrong model. They license them… it’s not Intel versus ARM, it’s Intel versus every single semiconductor company in the world.”   Two years ago, an article on techradar predicts how smartphone and … Continue reading

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The Power of Gold

People around the world, especially in Asia has worshipped the power of gold for thousands of years. However, like any other rarities, gold has nothing special but its colour. But clearly, for thousands of years, gold, as well as its colour, has become more related to social “showmanship” rather than its original value.   This … Continue reading

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Walmart’s Ethical Issues

“Wal-Mart put the public and the environment at risk and gained an unfair economic advantage over other companies.” — Ignacia Moreno, assistant U.S. attorney general   In May, 2013, the world’s largest Supermarket system, Walmart, was accused for its hazardous waste practices, which then resulted in an $81 million dollars compensation to the Environmental Protection Agency, … Continue reading

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