Future of DSLR?


Credit to Matthews Anderson’s Blog: “DSLR Cameras: Falling Exposures”.

I wouldn’t be so aware of the DSLR industry without reading Matthew’s comment on the Reuters UK business article. Yes, as a fan of DSLR for more than 5 years, it is really a shocking news that predicted DSLR’s replacement by smartphones in the future.

Why would have the smartphone, a device originally designed for calling and texting, become a threat to the high-end DSLR industry?   These two markets seem totally unrelated. However, by seeing how consumers define two devices nowadays, it wouldn’t be surprise that more and more consumers are using DSLRs, devices that used to be extremely costly and exclusively for professionals. The enlargement of the DSLR market is not a bad issue, however, since more and more consumers would be able to purchase a DSLR with a cheaper price, two products that are used to be unrelated, DSLRs and smartphones, started to become indirect competitors.

Most consumers would have to face two options, either spend less money purchasing a smartphone that has not only a compacted camera on it but also with many other functions, or spend more money on a heavy-to-carry camera but with professional image quality. Many people would satisfy the great image quality of DSLRs and choose smartphones instead as a daily basis. However, for professional photographers and camera lovers, getting a high-end DSLR would be the ultimate choice.

So how about the future of DSLR? In my opinion, smartphones would eventually be the substitutes for not only compact and low-end DSLRs, but also tablets or even PCs. However, the traditional DSLR industry would not be replaced since there is still a huge gap between the image qualities of the two.

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