The Power of Smile

A man eating a gigantic burger? Not a big problem.

 For girls? It might be a little awkward eating this way, isn’t it?

This issue might not be quite significant in other places but Japan because of the special cultural symbol named  “ochobo”- a small shapely mouth as a sign of beauty.


However, such a thing changes completely after the invention from  the Freshness Burger- simply, a facial mask.


What the mask does is that it covers  the whole mouth area of the person eating the food, and simultaneously matches that area by the drawing of a smiley face. Extremely cost-efficient, but the company did experience a significant increase in the amount of women purchasing the signature burger since they introduced the new package design.


What is the magic behind that?


Since the Freshness Burger only plays a small role in the entire market of  fast food, it would be extremely crucial for the company to differentiate itself from MNCs such as  McDonalds and Burger King. Staying fresh would be one point of difference, however, since there are still many burger companies that specialized in making organic fast food, getting a creative facial mask would be an unique way. On one hand it breaks the curse of “ochobo” and encourages more women to enjoy the signature burger, and on the other hand by getting a specially designed package , the company would access a more sustainable competitive advantage that could generate more revenue with less cost.

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