Final Self-Assessment Reflection

As seen in the home page, my initial perceptions of this course involved learning techniques relevant to my professional life.  I believed the course would assist me in developing many professional platforms which I lacked, such as my LinkedIn profile.  I thought the course as a whole was amazing and almost unfair in that it boosted my career-based skills immensely, yet counted toward academics as well.  I have since realized that academic and professional life is intertwined, and that this course did fulfill my expectations completely, however constant practice is still needed for continued improvement.

Self-reflection for leaders

Strengths and Weaknesses; 

Throughout the course, the learning process is evident in my writing skills, yet involved considerable constant effort.  Initially overwhelmed by the sheer amount of assignments that this course entailed, I committed them to a calendar, an organizational task that I was completely unfamiliar with.  Surprisingly, my ability to stay on top of the course and complete required assignments by the deadlines improved as the semester progressed, although I did stop using the calendar.  The course made me realize a prominent weakness of mine: my organizational skills, which impacted my time management.  Although my time management is generally sufficient, when coupled with subpar organization, it can lead to last-minute completion of assignments, tasks, and even falling behind in life goals.  This course allowed me to gradually improve my organization, although it is an uphill battle and will take continued effort in every aspect of my life to maintain.

The assignment tasks and content taught in the course allowed me to identify a personal strength that improved with time: writing.  Although technical writing may not have been a skill of mine, I found myself writing coherently and clearly, and practice improved this.  The peer reviews assisted in advancement of my critical evaluation skills, and the memorandums conciseness.  Most noticeably, the “You Attitude” had the largest impact on my writing.  To understand that writing is designed for the reader and not oneself is a concept that I initially struggled to grasp.  With introduction of this writing style, I found my writing to be much more persuasive and agreeable, which definitely has real-world applications in communication, whether it be through the job market or academia.

Applying the Skills to the Future

Walk into the future, step by step

Generally, the skills garnered throughout the course translate superbly to my future.  Whether applying for summer studentships, exchanging emails with professors, or just even in casual conversation, the positive tone and deemphasis on imperative verbs will ensure that the reader or listener is attentive and not distracted or dissuaded by taking offence to my tone.  My critical evaluation skills will be of great use in assisting with manuscript-editing or experiment-writing in a lab-based setting, a large portion of my life next semester.  In terms of long-term goals, my newfound conciseness will allow me to communicate my main arguments effectively, without getting bogged down in details where reader/listener interest may be lost.  This is of particular relevance in report-writing and interviews, where the audience does not have a lot of time.  My strong resume/curriculum vitae will assist with my applications to jobs in Co-op next year, and looking past Co-op, the strong application package serves as an excellent template for graduate school, such as medical school.  My LinkedIn, a constant work-in-progress will assist in template design for Co-op and medical school applications as well.  Overall, I am pleased that my initial course expectations have been fulfilled, and I plan to use the strengths and skills acquired through this course throughout my future to achieve my goals, both professional and academic.

Reflection: Web Folio

In the creation of the Web Folio, I applied a retrospective perspective on my progress over the term.  I was impressed by my growth over the term, both as in writing skill and efficiency.  I also realized how many concepts I applied later in the course that I was naïve to at the beginning of the term, which I now take for granted as essential writing skills, such as the “You Attitude”.

Nancy Wu's Web Folio | A place to share my experience in data science

Through review of the reflections in the blog, I found that my sentences tended to increase in complexity and my blogs in length.  Although not a terrible habit, I believe it is better for the reader to digest sentences that involve only a few concepts and clauses.  Thus, in writing this reflection, I hope to improve further by keeping sentences short and the overall reflection concise.

I noticed that my peer reviews contributed greatly to the quality of my work.  In the future, I hope to apply this to most coursework by ensuring that I have a peer who understands the scope and goal of the assignment to assist in a reciprocated review.  Probably the best quality in my Web Folio takes place in my page centred around my best works.  It astounded me that I have completed such a multitude of work in such a short period of time, and how my writing style has both changed and improved over time.

The Web Folio itself sounded daunting.  Creating the blog itself was already a very difficult task for me that involved almost a day’s work to understand the intricacies of website design and thematics.  In designing the Web Folio, I decided to adapt my blog and expand it into a website showcasing my technical writing skills highlighting my writing skills and academics.  Probably the biggest struggle for me was the layout of the online searchable resume.  Even now, it is difficult to be satisfied with the result, which appears so much longer than the pdf form and, until recently, unnecessarily encapsulated within a complex table format.  Because of it’s recent non-table format,  all the work that I spent aligning the titles and dates is lost, although the length and large font size allows for an increasingly thorough read of the resume.

Finally, finding appropriate pictures was another challenge that I presented.  In the end, I went for pictures that would catch the eye of the reader, drawing them in to the text via images relating to surface-level content.  In the end, I opted for placing images near the beginning as opposed to the F format suggested by the text because I thought it would draw the attention of the reader immediately.

Web folio | William Ho - ENG 301 Blog

Although initially daunting, I am proud of my Web Folio and am looking forward to displaying it to both my friends and family.  I believe it serves as a great example of my written technical communication skills and would be eager for any potential employers or colleagues to navigate through the website.  I appreciate my work done in the best works section the most, and would guide readers there primarily to showcase the novelty of the course in evolving writing and technical communication.  In summary, I am thankful of the broad usefulness that this course provides and hope to use my newfound technical communication and blog-developing skills in my future professional career.

Unit Three Reflection: The Formal Report

Definitely the most challenging unit yet, unit three primarily involved one of the largest projects of the course, the formal report.  This report was easier to plan and design thanks to the progress report, outlining all aspects of the report to be researched and the data collected.  However, data collection drastically changed the report draft from what was outlined in my progress report.

Research and Data Collection for the Formal Report

Research Topics – Association for Psychological Science – APS

I found question formulation for data collection involving surveys and interviews simple, however, I realized my questions were overly abundant, somewhat repetitive and sometimes ambiguous.  This made it difficult for those who participated in the survey to understand how to interpret and answer the questions accordingly.  On the other hand, it ensured that the results were sincere, as if questions deemed repetitive were answered differently, the reader may not have been reading the survey properly, or may have misunderstood the question.  This was an important lesson that I will apply in future surveys, where I hope to maintain question repetition to ensure participants are reading the questions, without the ambiguity that I mistakenly introduced.  In addition, I learned to use Qualtrics, a terrific survey software alternative to Google Forms, my usual but much less secure platform.

Being on the giving end of the interview was also a new experience for me.  In addition to the repetitive questions as stated above, I found that the interviews gave unexpected and copious amounts of new information due to the interviewees’ passion for the subject matter. Summarizing and incorporating this content into the paper proved to be a challenging procedure, although it allowed me to understand how to best utilize spoken interview answers in a written report.  I also hope to further provide support through interview answers in the final draft, as I find it engages readers than more traditional secondary and primary sources.

Drafting the Formal Report

Journalism is now the second draft of history - Columbia Journalism Review

After data collection, I found that the answers to my questions would hardly provide the content that I was brainstorming in the purpose of the progress report (for example, why hand hygiene compliance was low in visitors and patients in a hospital setting).  Thus, I realized that a large portion of the report would involve speculation and secondary resources for support.  Since I wanted my report to focus on primary research in order to be novel to the target audience (who were experienced in the field and its literature), I modified my purpose tremendously.  In the first draft, this has yet to be seen in the “Scope of the Inquiry” section, although it is evident in the body of the report.  This allowed me to understand that in the future, I should formulate questions to guide my reasoning, as opposed to questions based on broad data collection such as “what methodologies can increase hand hygiene compliance?”.  Alternatively, I found that once the data is collected, the questions I initially planned to answer may be unanswerable, opening up other avenues of insight instead.  In summary, I learned that the progress report was not set in stone, with extensive modification in the final draft from the original plan.

In learning the “You Attitude”, I came to the conclusion that I had been subconsciously using such a style of writing without explicitly knowing.  It was logical that imperative verbs and negative tone had little place in a persuasive yet unbiased paper such as a progress report, where the goal is to ensure the reader understands the problem, it’s implications, and potential solutions.  However, there was still plenty of room for improvement, as I find it difficult to think from the reader’s perspective.  This style of writing seems useful no matter the circumstance, and I plan to continue to improve upon it both in the future and in my final draft of the report.

The word count of 2500-3500 words proved to be a restriction as opposed to a difficult target, ensuring that my writing was both concise and integral.  I believe that I still have potential revisions to make in this regard, as I find that there is more to incorporate into my final draft despite the word count approaching the limit.  At the same time, I believe I have come a long way throughout this course, as conciseness has always been a difficulty of mine, and I hope that in revising for my final draft, I can improve my clarity further.

Peer Reviewing a Formal Report

A Rigorous Peer Review: Why You Should Care | RSRT

The peer review process of the formal report was no small task, and I had to wait eagerly for my partner to produce their best report draft before writing both the review and this reflection.  In waiting, I continually reviewed my own paper and its potential faults, as well as those of other peers in the hope of understanding how the report could be flexibly applied depending on the problem at hand.  Utilizing my accumulated skills from this course and my understanding from other reviews and formal report drafts, I crafted a review, which although lengthy, should ensure that my team member has a terrific final draft.  I am excited to receive the review of my formal report, as my peer is a master at conciseness.  They undoubtedly will ensure that I can cut down my own draft appropriately, allowing for a final draft that is informative and to the point.  Overall, I am thankful for the reviews this semester, providing opportunities to receive feedback from a peer not as deeply involved in the paper, yet still knowledgeable on the format, who will not lose track of the bigger picture.

Please find my formal report draft attached below.

Enclosure: ENGL 301 Formal Report – DRAFT


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