
At first glance of this ad from Dove, one would believe a positive message is being displayed.  Dove promotes the beauty of all women in their ad campaigns, emphasizing that all women deserve the right to feel beautiful.  Dove has many ad campaigns — such as “My Beauty My Say,” “Dove Self-Esteem Project,” and “#beautybias” —all showcasing the natural beauty of all women.  All of these campaigns appear to hold a positive message towards women’s body image; however, a huge fault within these campaigns is the fact that Dove tests on animals.  When a country requires testing on animals to happen on certain products, the company must comply.  I see a huge issue with the fact that a company will test on animals instead of meeting ethical standards.  Instead on refusing to sell their products in the countries that require animal testing, Dove has chosen profit over ethical living.  Harming innocent animals is far from beautiful, nor should a company be promoting beauty when it encourages this sort of behaviour. 

In my second piece, I have changed the hashtag #ChooseBeautiful to #ChooseAnimalTesting.  I have chosen to do this for a few key reasons.  First, I think it is important that all consumers know what they are buying into.  I believe it is everyone’s responsibility to research the products one will consume to make sure it is ethical, however some people do not care or do not want to put in the effort.  It is one’s own choice to consume what they like, but by emphasizing what products are tested on animals, it might make consumers question their choice the next time they are making purchases. Secondly, I think it is important to change a beauty campaign to emphasize animal testing, because unethical animal testing is the furthest thing from beautiful.  No brand should be promoting beauty until it stops hurting harmless creatures.  Dove is known as a body positive company, a company that women support to empower other women.  But by bringing their animal testing to light, maybe women will realize their propagandistic ad campaigns do not reflect the company’s value.  Lastly, I would like to dig a little deeper to touch on the fact that if a country is forced to test certain products (due to the ingredients) on animals, and unwilling to use other methods, the ingredients and product itself is probably not as safe as one might assume.  I hope this jamming forces people to look into the products they consume, and realize they cannot always trust what the media tells them.

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