Posted by: | 14th Jan, 2011

Branding of Photography

So recently, I’ve been looking into buying a lens for my Nikon DSLR camera and with all the research in looking for the best prices, I find myself caught up once again in the argument between which camera is better, Canon or Nikon. I’ve already had my camera for a while, but this argument has always appealed to me because I was very indecisive when I was making my choice a year ago. At the time, I wanted a Canon, but settled on Nikon because of the price.

After I bought the Nikon, I tried to make myself feel better by turning all the reasons why I wanted a Canon into bad reasons. I’m pretty sure I came up with several (this was almost a year ago) but this one came back to me more recently because I happened to be watching a Canon DSLR TV Commercial.

I started thinking about how often I actually see Nikon TV Commercials and notice them. It really wasn’t until recently that Nikon hired a celebrity such asĀ Ashton Kutcher to appear in its camera commercials, but Canon has been using celebrities, such as Avril Lavigne, Jackie Chan, tennis pros Maria Sharapova and Andre Agasi, for a several years now. Canon, essentially has spent a great deal more on its marketing than Nikon has in recent years, and, as a teenager of the social media era, it natural that I’d be influenced by my television; I’ve just been surrounded by Canon’s advertising more.

However, when I look back at the details, both cameras are great for their own reasons, and there really is no reason why I should prefer one over the other. I love my Nikon, and Canon just made me realize how powerful endorsements are and how great they are at promoting their products.

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