Posted by: | 5th Feb, 2011

Effect of Simple Marketing

After looking at classmate, Julie Buiza‘s blog, I’ve decided to offer my own comments on eye-catching ads, such as the one mentioned in her post, Hook, Line, and Sinker. Simple marketing, even if its as simple as a small poster, can affect how we choose to eat, drink, sleep and even work. For this post, I’ll be talking about McDonalds.

To begin with, I don’t usually visit McDonalds. To be more specific, you would never find me going more than 2 or maybe 3 times a month, and in fact, the last time I had gone, it had been at least 2 months since my last visit. Essentially, the only two occasions that would ever make me go are both related to marketing.

1) A new promotion special (the ads for their Angus Beef Burger really called out to my taste buds)

or 2) Coupons

Like Julie, my classmate, I react immediately to food displayed in an ad (of course, as long as it looks appealing). Over the last couple of minutes of searching for the perfect image of their Angus Beef burger, a craving for it has already developed in my stomach. Additionally, along with the availability of coupons, something that also drags me to visit McDonalds is the presentation of the coupon itself. For instance, most people are used to McDonalds’ standard looking list of white and red (with the golden arches) detachable coupons; however, recently, I received a fancy looking coupon that was designed with the look of a door, opening up to a list of unique looking brown and caramel coloured coupons. The whole presentation actually makes me excited to use them!

So naturally, this week I will look forward to a delightful McDonalds meal (probably with an angus burger) for lunch. Marketing in its simplest form is truly powerful.

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