Posted by: | 18th Mar, 2011

The Makings of a Loyal Consumer

This year, my regular intake of Starbucks coffee has decreased tremendously. In first year, at least a couple times a week, you could find me lining up at the Starbucks at the SUB, eager to order my usual Grande morning coffee. However, this year my habits have changed.

It’s mainly because my main route to school and class doesn’t include any nearby Starbucks, so I simply visit less frequently. In fact, it’s actually been a while since I’ve had my last professionally brewed cup of coffee. Nevertheless, this year, I’ve started to develop a new interest, and that’s Blenz.

Throughout this year, I have had so many marketing encounters with Blenz Coffee. Even before our Skyped Comm 296 class with George Moen, President of Blenz, I had met and heard Mr. Moen speak at previous events at which he described the unique differences between the Blenz brand and other high end coffeehouse brands. Besides discussing several other unique differences, the part that stood out to me the most was George’s description of the company’s Hot Chocolate, made from Belgian Chocolate Chips! It sounded so delicious to me that I knew I had to make time to head out to the UBC Village and try one for myself!

To add to my interest in visiting Blenz, a good friend of mine offered to share her Buy 1 Get 1 Free coupon, specific to the UBC Village’s Blenz Coffee. Perfect! So at a discount price and at a convenient location, I tried my first Blenz drink. Evaluation? Definitely didn’t disappoint. What’s more, after using my coupon, the barista told me to keep it! A consumer loyalty program started on my first visit!? I might just take advantage of this. Next visit, scheduled for Tuesday, 9:15am before class. I think I’ll make a habit of this.

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