Lab 2 and Lab 3

Let’s check out some growth results of the unknown microbe from the contaminated water sample inoculated in the EMB agar and XLD agar. The colour of the XLD agar changed to bright yellow colour which is very cool! The colour of colonies displayed on the EMB agar is pretty shiny.

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Note that the growth results of unknown microbe from the contaminated water sample inoculated in Luria agar plate under different conditions are very different. For plate #1, we can see that there are a lot of colonies on the agar plate. However, there are very few colonies on the #4 agar plate which was inoculated the heat treated water sample .

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In lab 1, I isolated unknown bacteria from a contaminated water sample and inoculated the MacConkey agar plate. Let’s check out the growth results on the MacConkey agar plate.

IMG_1644 MacConkey

In lab 2, I inoculated a variety of differential test media using the unknown microbe that corresponds to colonies on the MacConkey agar plate used in lab 1. In lab 3, I did the biochemical test for identification of the unknown bacteria from the contaminated water sampleLet’s take a look at the differential tests results!


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First Micro-foods Lab

Hi everyone, welcome to the Micro-foods Bug Club!

I began my journey of exploration on microbiology of foods this week. It’s so exciting! I obtained a bacteria culture which is Staphylococcus epidermidis and then I used aseptic transfer technique to transfer the pure bacteria culture to sterile broth, sterile agar slant and sterile agar plate. What’s more, I also inoculated unknown bacteria from contaminated water sample and seafood sample on Luria agar plates, MacConkey agar plate, XLD agar plate and EMB agar plate under different conditions, such as different temperature.

I can’t wait seeing the bacteria growth results next Monday!

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