Cool Source of Information (week 1)

The Farm Journal website is a good source of information for finding the trends in the soybean market. They have agricultural news, , global news related to agriculture and different issues that influence the agricultural goods

CBOT Agricultural Products seems to be a good material about “Grain and Soybean Futures and Options”. We can understand how futures markets supply a mechanism to facilitate long-term business planning.

On Wikinvest website we can find Quote and Charts and News from Wall Street Journal and Also some definition of the contract specification could be helpful for the beginners.

United States Department of Agriculture roll is, as they mention in the statement, to provide leadership on food, agriculture, natural resources, and related issues based on sound public policy, the best available science, and efficient management. USDA website is very important for us to read, because it provide news and information regarding the markets for agricultural products, international economic development, further developing alternative markets for agricultural products and activities etc.

On we can read a Soybean Trading Guide which makes a fundamental analysis of the soybean market and gives the specifications of a soybean future contract.

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2 comments on “Cool Source of Information (week 1)
  1. Mark Liew says:

    These are pretty good sites! Thanks

  2. spledger says:

    Hi Mihaela, thanks for putting together this great list of sites! AgWeb is now officially in my daily reading. I’ll also take a look at the free trading guide. Happy trading!

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