Last Blog post for marketing…

Posted by: | April 5, 2011 | Comments Off on Last Blog post for marketing…

As marketing comes to an end, and exams come to a start, there is always something else that always comes around this time of year. Hiring. Clubs. Conferences and events all start hiring at the busiest time of year. In this last blog, I am not going to complain, or whine about that fact, but rather talk about the way conferences, clubs and events market themselves to gain attention of students, who are looking for an extra curricular volunteer position.

I am currently on lent, with 2 other friends. We are not supposed to go on Facebook. Yes, it is very tough from visiting my Facebook page literally 15 times a day, to 0 times for when we started (I don’t even remember) until the end of Easter? (I am not sure, I just get told by my friends when to start and when to stop) But anyways, conferences, etc. post announcements of their hiring on many mediums, such as Facebook, online websites, emails through CUSunday, and the UGO. But most people know hiring is starting through events and feeds on Facebook.

Now it’s funny how my first and last blogs are about Facebook. I strongly believe that Facebook has become a free and amazing medium for marketing anything from school extra-curriculars, to events, and even advertisement for companies. What some people don’t realize, is that while on Facebook, you are marketing yourselves. So be aware of what you say and what you post on Facebook.

Facebook is not only amazing for marketing, but also what would we do without Facebook? How would you know what everyone else is doing on a daily basis? Or how would you reconnect with long lost friends? Attend events? And even stock and creep people? (even those who aren’t your friends.)

Thank you Rebecca Black for teaching me the days of the week.

Posted by: | March 30, 2011 | Comments Off on Thank you Rebecca Black for teaching me the days of the week.

Fergie taught us how to spell glamorous, Gwen Stefani taught us how to spell bananas, and now it’s Rebecca Black’s turn to teach us the days of the week!

I went home last weekend, and my younger brother thought it would be hilarious to sing this song to me. Never have I ever heard this song before, until last weekend. Coming back to school everyone was talking about this for lack of a better word, singer. 12-year-old Rebecca Black, also known as RB (similar to JB), has become somewhat of a YouTube celebrity. Her song “Friday” literally has gone viral. As my friend and fellow classmate Deborah, posted on her blog that there were over 44 million views on YouTube. This has now changed to over 66 million, growing more than 22 million in less than a week. How did it grow this big? Probably word of mouth.

The comments on YouTube, as Deborah mentioned, are “negative and harsh.” Her voice in this song is so auto tuned, that honestly anyone could go to the recording studio and record this song, and sound exactly, I mean exactly, like her. The auto-tune isn’t the only thing that is bad, I mean horribly wrong with this music video. She is sitting in the car with literally 4 other 12 year olds, as the young boy pretends to be driving a car. Last time I checked the legal driving age was 16. Besides the illegalness of this all, she is wearing plaqued on makeup…way too much for a 12 year old. So, what does this do to her reputation and brand, well let’s just put it this way. She would have not been famous if it weren’t for YouTube and viral marketing, as Deborah mentions.

With all the bad, comes some good. We all know now that Thursday comes before Friday and Saturday comes after Friday! Thanks RB!

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Sears Canada Matches US Prices

Posted by: | March 21, 2011 | Comments Off on Sears Canada Matches US Prices

On March 19 and March 20, Sears Canada decided to match their prices with the prices in the US. With the increasing amount of people going to shop in the States, customer’s at Sears will not have to take the long drive down there to received better prices. Sear’s company objective is sales orientation, which is to maximize volume. They offer every day low prices, to maximize the amount of products they sell. But, with Sear’s Canada matching Sear’s America, they are somewhat focusing on competitor orientation, Sear’s America, being their competitor. Sear’s America is Sear’s Canada’s competitor because Sear’s Canada loses many sales to the Sear’s down in the States. Unfortunately, this deal of matching prices only lasts two days, which also is the start of Spring Break for many people.

This promotion-pricing tactic that is being used in the Sears’ case, is discounts and markdowns. This promotion is for a limited time, and it allows people to buy more products at a lower price.

The “Home-made” Chocolate Chip Cookie

Posted by: | March 16, 2011 | Comments Off on The “Home-made” Chocolate Chip Cookie

Who doesn’t love the classic chocolate chip cookie? Superstore has a private label, known as President’s Choice. In my opinion, many President’s Choice products are very decent. For example their The Decadent Chocolate Chip. People apparently rave about this product. I certainly have tried this product, but doesn’t resonate in my mind, at the moment.

While looking on line, I noticed that Superstore now sells The Decadent Chocolate Chip Cookie baking mix. I suppose that Superstore’s growth strategy is product development. They are providing their current customers, with something new. Well technically, it’s the same product, but this one can be freshly baked. Therefore, you are offering your current customers, a fresher, warmer, cookie. The cookie mix will most likely be successful because of brand equity. Because The Decadent Chocolate Chip Cookie is super popular, therefore the respected brand name will transfer onto the Cookie mix. This also allows their customer’s to claim, to their friends, that they made a “home baked” cookie.

The chocolate chip cookie is definitely in the maturity stage in the product life cycle. Something as classic as the chocolate chip cookie, in my opinion, will not necessarily decline. Companies are always reinventing the chocolate chip cookie. For example, President’s Choice has an organic version, which may appeal to those who are more health conscious, therefore they are not losing any customer’s as culture and values change throughout the years.

Dip and Squeeze Packaging

Posted by: | March 10, 2011 | Comments Off on Dip and Squeeze Packaging

Can packaging make a difference when it comes to marketing a product? I think a clear answer is yes! Whether you pay extra, or it’s the same price, seeing new packaging is, in my opinion, and my fellow classmate’s opinion is “slightly exciting.”

When you use ketchup do you dip? Or do you squeeze the ketchup out? Well, why can’t you do both? Heinz came out with a new packet design, which allows the consumer to both squeeze and dip. On Charlotte’s blog, she states ketchup is a monopolistic competition, but I believe that Ketchup is an oligopoly because there only a few firms that dominate the market, and there are a few barriers to entry. These barriers consist of the tomatoes being seasonal and the company needs special equipment to make the ketchup. This package is slower in developing the dip-able label, as many other sauces for other products are dip-able.

Manufacturing: package is somewhat small and stack-able

Retailers: Looks very presentable and way better than the old plastic, squishy, unappealing package. The new package looks a lot cleaner, and presentable

Consumers: It is convenient as it is both disposable, dip-able and squeezable.

Free for All

Posted by: | March 3, 2011 | Comments Off on Free for All

Last month there were two days where you were able to get McDonald’s new Buttermilk Biscuit breakfast sandwich for free! I mean, who doesn’t want something that’s for free.  As the breakfast sandwich counts in at over 500 calories, according to this article, “free may be the only way McDonald’s will be able to get people to try these new breakfast items.” As we learned in marketing class the other day, McDonalds clearly has a sales orientation where they try to maximize their volume. In my opinion, although these biscuits weigh in at more than 500 calories, McDonald’s is convenient, fast, and feeds the crave for many customers.

Last month their was free buttermilk biscuit sandwiches, and if you missed out on the free sandwich, don’t fear, as this month, McDonalds is giving away free small coffees, until March 6. McDonald’s already has pretty low prices for their meals, but you can’t get more cheap than free.

Blenz: Brewing up Love into Each Cup, Literally.

Posted by: | February 20, 2011 | Comments Off on Blenz: Brewing up Love into Each Cup, Literally.

As Valentine’s Day comes and goes, but Blenz “red band” is still here, well atleast until the end of February. As my fellow classmate’s blog states, “(Blenz Red Band is) A way for single people to connect with other single people in the city.”

The Red Band is not only a service, but it also is a good.

The service is that it allows others to know that you are single and somewhat ready to mingle.  Therefore the service is something that you can’t grab a hold of. The service is variable, in the way that the quality of the service may vary. There may not be anyone coming up to you, or you just might meet your someone special.

The good, of the Red Band, is that to identify those who are single in the coffee shop, you can grab the “Red Band” and put it on as the sleeve of your coffee. Therefore, it is tangible.

“The Blenz Red Band” is a brand extension to Blenz. It is a new product that they are adding to their already existing mix. Blenz, claims to provide “Premium Coffe Beans, Exclusive Roasts, Unique and Exciting Beverages.” ( Besides coffee and drinks, Blenz product mix now includes a matchmaking service.

So, in conclusion, is this going work? Will people actually be able to meet their someone special, through Blenz Red Band? I guess only time will tell, or maybe I should try out Blenz new brand extension and see if it this service introduces me to someone special.

Tiffany & Co.: STP

Posted by: | February 9, 2011 | 1 Comment

Tiffany and Co. is famous for their distinctive little blue box carefully secured by a white, perfectly tied bow.  Tiffany & Co. has been my favorite jewelry store, ever since I received my first Tiffany’s necklace, when I was 13. For my family, Tiffany’s is purchased during special occasions, and milestones. Tiffany’s may be name brand, and some people may believe that if you wear Tiffany’s you have money. But in my case, I love Tiffany’s because of the design, and the background story of why I received it.

Segment: Higher income men, looking for an engagement ring for their special someone. Higher in come men, looking for a special occasion gift for their girlfriend, fiancé, or wife. Parents, looking for a special occasion piece for their child. Teenagers, specifically girls, wanting to buy name brand jewelry. Females, looking to buy themselves high-end jewelry.

Target: Men, looking for a special occasion gift for their girlfriend, fiancé, or wife.

Positioning: Tiffany & Co. Places adds in high scale neighborhoods, especially downtown Vancouver, where many Business professionals are working. In these adds, it is always the guy holding the Tiffany’s and the lady walking alongside. In these adds, everyone is dressed formally, and like they are “well-off.”

Using P&G’s Positioning Statement Formula: For up-scale males, Tiffany and Co. jewelry is a gift, which provides your special someone with magnificent jewelry to celebrate events and milestones, unlike Cartier, which provides only luxury goods.


Winter Classic 2011: Marketing Mix

Posted by: | February 2, 2011 | Comments Off on Winter Classic 2011: Marketing Mix

Growing up hockey has always been a prominent part of my life. The first Canucks hockey game that I ever attended was when I was 2 years old, and although I have been to a multiple hockey games; my most memorable hockey game was last year when it was the Canucks vs. Penguins. In one word, why was it memorable? Crosby. When my brother came home from Waterloo University, he showed me this TV show that he was watching on Youtube. It was 24/7 Penguins/Capitals: Road to The Winter Classic. Most hockey fans tune in on this one game special, regular season game. This year’s Winter Classic was Pittsburgh Penguins vs. Washington Capitals. This was the first year they had decided to run a 4 program series on HBO, a documentary of how the two teams get prepared for this big game against two well known rivals, Sidney Crosby and Alexander Ovechkin, and some events that these two teams take part in.

Place – HBO cable TV, Youtube

Product – 4 episode series, that will lead up to the Winter Classic 2011. It is a documentary that follows the Pittsburgh Penguins and the Washington Capitals. Features two of the most well known Professional Hockey Players, Sidney Crosby and Alexander Ovechkin.

Promotion – Winter Classic is an event that happens once a year. Sports casters always mention it, when it comes around. Also, whenever the Penguins or the Capitals play games, they have the two all-star players, so it is always mentioned that these two players will head against one another, as the two rivals.

Price – free, as long as you have access to a computer and internet. Since it runs on youtube, it is highly accessible

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Twittering Influencing Stocks

Posted by: | January 25, 2011 | Comments Off on Twittering Influencing Stocks

Everyone knows that playing in stocks are risky. It can go up or go down, make you rich, or make you poor.  Many people do enormous amount of research to determine if and what stocks they are going to purchase. It is the company’s job to become known to these people who want to buy stocks. H&H did exactly this. They gave a certain amount of stocks, free, to rapper 50 Cent, and 50 Cent tweeted about the investment, and the stocks jumped from 10 cents to 39 cents. This made 50 Cent, approximately $8.7 Million in paper money. This is a clear example how a little marketing can go a long way and how this company reached new market segments. For this company, there marketing strategy was to get a celebrity on board, and as soon as they got 50 Cent, it cost them basically nothing, as all 50 Cent did was tweet his stock. Twittering is becoming an amazing place for basically free advertising, and also allows for global expansion and diversification. By using twitter you may be advertising to those people who wouldn’t usually, in this case, be buying stocks. The age group of people purchasing stocks may be different than the age of twitter users. As soon as you tweet, depending on how many followers you have, the word spreads immediately. You could be a thousand miles away from a person that is following you, and they still get the word. So, what does is Twitter going to lead to next? Is Twitter going to be the thing to follow, when choosing stocks? I guess only the future tells.

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