Twittering Influencing Stocks

Posted by: | January 25, 2011 | Comments Off on Twittering Influencing Stocks

Everyone knows that playing in stocks are risky. It can go up or go down, make you rich, or make you poor.  Many people do enormous amount of research to determine if and what stocks they are going to purchase. It is the company’s job to become known to these people who want to buy […]

Networking through facebook

Posted by: | January 19, 2011 | Comments Off on Networking through facebook

“Facebook is a social networking website that allows people, all around the world, to connect with their friends through photos, wall posts and private messages.” As I was multitasking; thinking and contemplating about how I was going to come up with something to write on my marketing blog while logging on Facebook to see who knows what, […]

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