Twittering Influencing Stocks

Posted by: | January 25, 2011 | Comments Off on Twittering Influencing Stocks

Everyone knows that playing in stocks are risky. It can go up or go down, make you rich, or make you poor.  Many people do enormous amount of research to determine if and what stocks they are going to purchase. It is the company’s job to become known to these people who want to buy stocks. H&H did exactly this. They gave a certain amount of stocks, free, to rapper 50 Cent, and 50 Cent tweeted about the investment, and the stocks jumped from 10 cents to 39 cents. This made 50 Cent, approximately $8.7 Million in paper money. This is a clear example how a little marketing can go a long way and how this company reached new market segments. For this company, there marketing strategy was to get a celebrity on board, and as soon as they got 50 Cent, it cost them basically nothing, as all 50 Cent did was tweet his stock. Twittering is becoming an amazing place for basically free advertising, and also allows for global expansion and diversification. By using twitter you may be advertising to those people who wouldn’t usually, in this case, be buying stocks. The age group of people purchasing stocks may be different than the age of twitter users. As soon as you tweet, depending on how many followers you have, the word spreads immediately. You could be a thousand miles away from a person that is following you, and they still get the word. So, what does is Twitter going to lead to next? Is Twitter going to be the thing to follow, when choosing stocks? I guess only the future tells.


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