Blenz: Brewing up Love into Each Cup, Literally.

Posted by: | February 20, 2011 | Comments Off on Blenz: Brewing up Love into Each Cup, Literally.

As Valentine’s Day comes and goes, but Blenz “red band” is still here, well atleast until the end of February. As my fellow classmate’s blog states, “(Blenz Red Band is) A way for single people to connect with other single people in the city.” The Red Band is not only a service, but it also […]

Tiffany & Co.: STP

Posted by: | February 9, 2011 | 1 Comment

Tiffany and Co. is famous for their distinctive little blue box carefully secured by a white, perfectly tied bow.  Tiffany & Co. has been my favorite jewelry store, ever since I received my first Tiffany’s necklace, when I was 13. For my family, Tiffany’s is purchased during special occasions, and milestones. Tiffany’s may be name […]

Winter Classic 2011: Marketing Mix

Posted by: | February 2, 2011 | Comments Off on Winter Classic 2011: Marketing Mix

Growing up hockey has always been a prominent part of my life. The first Canucks hockey game that I ever attended was when I was 2 years old, and although I have been to a multiple hockey games; my most memorable hockey game was last year when it was the Canucks vs. Penguins. In one […]

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