Dip and Squeeze Packaging

Posted by: | March 10, 2011 | Comments Off on Dip and Squeeze Packaging

Can packaging make a difference when it comes to marketing a product? I think a clear answer is yes! Whether you pay extra, or it’s the same price, seeing new packaging is, in my opinion, and my fellow classmate’s opinion is “slightly exciting.”


When you use ketchup do you dip? Or do you squeeze the ketchup out? Well, why can’t you do both? Heinz came out with a new packet design, which allows the consumer to both squeeze and dip. On Charlotte’s blog, she states ketchup is a monopolistic competition, but I believe that Ketchup is an oligopoly because there only a few firms that dominate the market, and there are a few barriers to entry. These barriers consist of the tomatoes being seasonal and the company needs special equipment to make the ketchup. This package is slower in developing the dip-able label, as many other sauces for other products are dip-able.

Manufacturing: package is somewhat small and stack-able

Retailers: Looks very presentable and way better than the old plastic, squishy, unappealing package. The new package looks a lot cleaner, and presentable

Consumers: It is convenient as it is both disposable, dip-able and squeezable.


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