The “Home-made” Chocolate Chip Cookie

Posted by: | March 16, 2011 | Comments Off on The “Home-made” Chocolate Chip Cookie

Who doesn’t love the classic chocolate chip cookie? Superstore has a private label, known as President’s Choice. In my opinion, many President’s Choice products are very decent. For example their The Decadent Chocolate Chip. People apparently rave about this product. I certainly have tried this product, but doesn’t resonate in my mind, at the moment.

While looking on line, I noticed that Superstore now sells The Decadent Chocolate Chip Cookie baking mix. I suppose that Superstore’s growth strategy is product development. They are providing their current customers, with something new. Well technically, it’s the same product, but this one can be freshly baked. Therefore, you are offering your current customers, a fresher, warmer, cookie. The cookie mix will most likely be successful because of brand equity. Because The Decadent Chocolate Chip Cookie is super popular, therefore the respected brand name will transfer onto the Cookie mix. This also allows their customer’s to claim, to their friends, that they made a “home baked” cookie.

The chocolate chip cookie is definitely in the maturity stage in the product life cycle. Something as classic as the chocolate chip cookie, in my opinion, will not necessarily decline. Companies are always reinventing the chocolate chip cookie. For example, President’s Choice has an organic version, which may appeal to those who are more health conscious, therefore they are not losing any customer’s as culture and values change throughout the years.


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