Thank you Rebecca Black for teaching me the days of the week.

Posted by: | March 30, 2011 | Comments Off on Thank you Rebecca Black for teaching me the days of the week.

Fergie taught us how to spell glamorous, Gwen Stefani taught us how to spell bananas, and now it’s Rebecca Black’s turn to teach us the days of the week!

I went home last weekend, and my younger brother thought it would be hilarious to sing this song to me. Never have I ever heard this song before, until last weekend. Coming back to school everyone was talking about this for lack of a better word, singer. 12-year-old Rebecca Black, also known as RB (similar to JB), has become somewhat of a YouTube celebrity. Her song “Friday” literally has gone viral. As my friend and fellow classmate Deborah, posted on her blog that there were over 44 million views on YouTube. This has now changed to over 66 million, growing more than 22 million in less than a week. How did it grow this big? Probably word of mouth.

The comments on YouTube, as Deborah mentioned, are “negative and harsh.” Her voice in this song is so auto tuned, that honestly anyone could go to the recording studio and record this song, and sound exactly, I mean exactly, like her. The auto-tune isn’t the only thing that is bad, I mean horribly wrong with this music video. She is sitting in the car with literally 4 other 12 year olds, as the young boy pretends to be driving a car. Last time I checked the legal driving age was 16. Besides the illegalness of this all, she is wearing plaqued on makeup…way too much for a 12 year old. So, what does this do to her reputation and brand, well let’s just put it this way. She would have not been famous if it weren’t for YouTube and viral marketing, as Deborah mentions.

With all the bad, comes some good. We all know now that Thursday comes before Friday and Saturday comes after Friday! Thanks RB!

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