Last Blog post for marketing…

Posted by: | April 5, 2011 | Comments Off on Last Blog post for marketing…

As marketing comes to an end, and exams come to a start, there is always something else that always comes around this time of year. Hiring. Clubs. Conferences and events all start hiring at the busiest time of year. In this last blog, I am not going to complain, or whine about that fact, but rather talk about the way conferences, clubs and events market themselves to gain attention of students, who are looking for an extra curricular volunteer position.

I am currently on lent, with 2 other friends. We are not supposed to go on Facebook. Yes, it is very tough from visiting my Facebook page literally 15 times a day, to 0 times for when we started (I don’t even remember) until the end of Easter? (I am not sure, I just get told by my friends when to start and when to stop) But anyways, conferences, etc. post announcements of their hiring on many mediums, such as Facebook, online websites, emails through CUSunday, and the UGO. But most people know hiring is starting through events and feeds on Facebook.

Now it’s funny how my first and last blogs are about Facebook. I strongly believe that Facebook has become a free and amazing medium for marketing anything from school extra-curriculars, to events, and even advertisement for companies. What some people don’t realize, is that while on Facebook, you are marketing yourselves. So be aware of what you say and what you post on Facebook.

Facebook is not only amazing for marketing, but also what would we do without Facebook? How would you know what everyone else is doing on a daily basis? Or how would you reconnect with long lost friends? Attend events? And even stock and creep people? (even those who aren’t your friends.)


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