Tiffany & Co.: STP

Posted by: | February 9, 2011 | 1 Comment

Tiffany and Co. is famous for their distinctive little blue box carefully secured by a white, perfectly tied bow.  Tiffany & Co. has been my favorite jewelry store, ever since I received my first Tiffany’s necklace, when I was 13. For my family, Tiffany’s is purchased during special occasions, and milestones. Tiffany’s may be name brand, and some people may believe that if you wear Tiffany’s you have money. But in my case, I love Tiffany’s because of the design, and the background story of why I received it.

Segment: Higher income men, looking for an engagement ring for their special someone. Higher in come men, looking for a special occasion gift for their girlfriend, fiancé, or wife. Parents, looking for a special occasion piece for their child. Teenagers, specifically girls, wanting to buy name brand jewelry. Females, looking to buy themselves high-end jewelry.

Target: Men, looking for a special occasion gift for their girlfriend, fiancé, or wife.

Positioning: Tiffany & Co. Places adds in high scale neighborhoods, especially downtown Vancouver, where many Business professionals are working. In these adds, it is always the guy holding the Tiffany’s and the lady walking alongside. In these adds, everyone is dressed formally, and like they are “well-off.”

Using P&G’s Positioning Statement Formula: For up-scale males, Tiffany and Co. jewelry is a gift, which provides your special someone with magnificent jewelry to celebrate events and milestones, unlike Cartier, which provides only luxury goods.



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