Last Blog post for marketing…

Posted by: | April 5, 2011 | Comments Off on Last Blog post for marketing…

As marketing comes to an end, and exams come to a start, there is always something else that always comes around this time of year. Hiring. Clubs. Conferences and events all start hiring at the busiest time of year. In this last blog, I am not going to complain, or whine about that fact, but […]

Thank you Rebecca Black for teaching me the days of the week.

Posted by: | March 30, 2011 | Comments Off on Thank you Rebecca Black for teaching me the days of the week.

Fergie taught us how to spell glamorous, Gwen Stefani taught us how to spell bananas, and now it’s Rebecca Black’s turn to teach us the days of the week! I went home last weekend, and my younger brother thought it would be hilarious to sing this song to me. Never have I ever heard this […]

Sears Canada Matches US Prices

Posted by: | March 21, 2011 | Comments Off on Sears Canada Matches US Prices

On March 19 and March 20, Sears Canada decided to match their prices with the prices in the US. With the increasing amount of people going to shop in the States, customer’s at Sears will not have to take the long drive down there to received better prices. Sear’s company objective is sales orientation, which […]

The “Home-made” Chocolate Chip Cookie

Posted by: | March 16, 2011 | Comments Off on The “Home-made” Chocolate Chip Cookie

Who doesn’t love the classic chocolate chip cookie? Superstore has a private label, known as President’s Choice. In my opinion, many President’s Choice products are very decent. For example their The Decadent Chocolate Chip. People apparently rave about this product. I certainly have tried this product, but doesn’t resonate in my mind, at the moment. […]

Dip and Squeeze Packaging

Posted by: | March 10, 2011 | Comments Off on Dip and Squeeze Packaging

Can packaging make a difference when it comes to marketing a product? I think a clear answer is yes! Whether you pay extra, or it’s the same price, seeing new packaging is, in my opinion, and my fellow classmate’s opinion is “slightly exciting.” When you use ketchup do you dip? Or do you squeeze the […]

Free for All

Posted by: | March 3, 2011 | Comments Off on Free for All

Last month there were two days where you were able to get McDonald’s new Buttermilk Biscuit breakfast sandwich for free! I mean, who doesn’t want something that’s for free.  As the breakfast sandwich counts in at over 500 calories, according to this article, “free may be the only way McDonald’s will be able to get […]

Blenz: Brewing up Love into Each Cup, Literally.

Posted by: | February 20, 2011 | Comments Off on Blenz: Brewing up Love into Each Cup, Literally.

As Valentine’s Day comes and goes, but Blenz “red band” is still here, well atleast until the end of February. As my fellow classmate’s blog states, “(Blenz Red Band is) A way for single people to connect with other single people in the city.” The Red Band is not only a service, but it also […]

Tiffany & Co.: STP

Posted by: | February 9, 2011 | 1 Comment

Tiffany and Co. is famous for their distinctive little blue box carefully secured by a white, perfectly tied bow.  Tiffany & Co. has been my favorite jewelry store, ever since I received my first Tiffany’s necklace, when I was 13. For my family, Tiffany’s is purchased during special occasions, and milestones. Tiffany’s may be name […]

Winter Classic 2011: Marketing Mix

Posted by: | February 2, 2011 | Comments Off on Winter Classic 2011: Marketing Mix

Growing up hockey has always been a prominent part of my life. The first Canucks hockey game that I ever attended was when I was 2 years old, and although I have been to a multiple hockey games; my most memorable hockey game was last year when it was the Canucks vs. Penguins. In one […]

Twittering Influencing Stocks

Posted by: | January 25, 2011 | Comments Off on Twittering Influencing Stocks

Everyone knows that playing in stocks are risky. It can go up or go down, make you rich, or make you poor.  Many people do enormous amount of research to determine if and what stocks they are going to purchase. It is the company’s job to become known to these people who want to buy […]

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