Networking through facebook

Posted by: | January 19, 2011 | Comments Off on Networking through facebook

Facebook is a social networking website that allows people, all around the world, to connect with their friends through photos, wall posts and private messages.” As I was multitasking; thinking and contemplating about how I was going to come up with something to write on my marketing blog while logging on Facebook to see who knows what, something caught my eye, a status update that one of my Facebook friends had posted. It was a “places” application status post. Beneath the status were “comments” and “likes” from not a lot, but a definitely a few people. Facebook is used for a multiple of different reasons. Some may use it to connect with old friends, some to keep in touch with family and best friends, and others, let’s be straightforward (everyone has done it) to “creep” your friends, or maybe not your friends, but your so called “Facebook friend.” Without doubt, Facebook has become a part of several people’s everyday lives. Updating your status doesn’t only let you boast about what you’re doing, or allow you to vent whatever’s on your mind, it allows you to share where you are. The application on the iPhone known as “Places,” allows you to “check in” to a restaurant or into a location (for example: Mikayla Chan is at Roger’s Arena). As you “check in,” your friends can also “check in” to the same place, and before you know it all your “Facebook friends” now can see where exactly you are on their “newsfeed.”

With this new application right at our fingertips, it not only to our advantage that we get to boast about where we are to our Facebook friends, but it also allows restaurants and businesses to have free advertisement and promotion. With this “Places” application it is allowing businesses to easily turn all types of customer’s, whether they are first time customers or loyal customer, into an advocate customer (a person who spreads the word about your product). Most people have over a couple hundred of Facebook friends, who knows how many people’s newsfeeds this post just popped up onto.

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