Apple taking Advantage of super Inventors Death – Response to Devan Wiebe’s Blog Post

Devan Wiebe’s blog indicates that Apple is playing up Steve
Jobs death by setting up store shrines to lure grieving consumers into the store
– this is an appalling way to do business. After reading the article posted on
Devan’s blog I came to the following conclusions.

I understand that many consumers may purchase Apple products
because of Steve Jobs death. This consumer behaviour was seen after the death
of superstar Michael Jackson – after his death, there was a massive increase in
sales of his music. The fact that consumers choose to purchase goods because of
Job’s death is out of Apple’s control and I don’t believe that is unethical.
However, when Apple is setting up ‘shrines’ in store windows with the hopes
that it will ‘lure’ consumers to purchase Apple merchandie is crossing a line.
The word ‘lure’ has the connotations of enticing and trapping people into
something, and that is exactly what Apple is doing. They are embellishing the
death of Steve Jobs to entice consumers to buy more Apple products. Using the
death of a visionary is not the way to honour a man who has done so much for a


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