How Easy is it To Become a Millionaire?


Can just anyone become a millionaire? Deanna Jump, an ordinary 43 year-old kindergarten teacher in Warner Gardens, Georgia became a millionaire by selling her lesson plans online to other teachers. She signed up for an online marketplace for teachers to exchange lessons, TeachersPayTeachers (TPT), where she created 93 separate teaching units. She charged $8 per unit and sold over 161,000 copies. This is a useful website for teachers because they can save time by exchanging pre-made lesson plans and make money by selling their lessons. When most people hear the success story of a millionaire, usually they think of someone who went out there and did something bold to get there. However, Deanna proves that one can become a millionaire simply by selling things online with the addition of promoting her sales through her online blog.

The Ugly Truth Behind Apple


What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word “Apple”?


When one hears “Apple”, instead of the fruit, he or she thinks of the large corporation that sells iPhones, iPods, Macbook and more. However, what most people don’t take into consideration is how and where they are made, or who their manufacturer is. Apple is respected as an outstanding corporation across the globe because they create fashionable products which are convenient and efficient for everybody to use. Few people know that Foxconn, a Chinese technology manufacturing company, supplies Apple with their products. According to several news reports and journalists, the working conditions in the Foxconn factories are abominable. The workers breathe in ashes daily, they were paid less than what they should get and their work environment is unsafe; some of them have even gone to the extent of trying to commit suicide. So the question is, should Apple be recognized as a renowned corporation that creates technology to improve people’s lives without much regard for their employees’ working conditions?