Oct 22 2012

The French Croissant Craze

Published by at 5:35 pm under Marketing,Strategy

Traditional methods versus mass production in factories — a battle that is hardly a newcomer to the global stage. Trends in history have shown that people tend to lean towards the latter simply because the decrease in time and costs make it worthwhile to sacrifice a bit of quality.

So, which way will the market of croissants in Paris swing? More and more vendors are using frozen, factory-made variants to cut costs, something which is becoming a growing issue. In a city where many purists who insist that the taste of handmade croissants is superior, will traditional methods win out in the end?

Similarly to the hockey stick industry in Canada discussed during class, traditional methods may gradually be forced out. Lower costs will allow vendors using frozen croissants to lower their prices, hence giving them a competitive edge over those who make them by hand. However, those who use the older methods will be left with a point of difference that appeals to many Parisians. Will the culture-laden population of Paris be able to maintain their strong traditions, or will practicality and the lure of profits win out? It could go either way at this rate.


Related Links:

Canadian Business: The croissant war in Paris

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