Comm296 Marketing Plan Assignments

Having worked with various groups and organizations before, we all understand how critical it is to have a  functioning group dynamic and connection with team members to create a team that function well. At the first meeting, we barely mentioned the assignments, and we talked about hobbies, extra-class activities, personal information, and exchanged cell phone number and e-mail with each other. As a result, we were able to know more about each other and functioned as a connected team.

The whole marketing plan assignment was broken into three small assignments. In order to run on the roll, every time our group started a small assignment we would have a two-hour meeting. We captured an overall idea on the meeting to figure out the tasks needed to be done, and split the tasks to different people. After the meeting, our group is working on the same google Doc., so every one can catch up with each other. We also communicate via FaceBook page off meeting time in case anyone asks for a help. If it is necessary, our team would hold up another meeting before handing in assignment to keep every thing on the track. With the framework we set up, our group work effectively.

The last assignment ask for a video instead of a traditional presentation, which is more complicated. Before we actually filmed the video, my team spent a lot of time on discussion and we got lost for a time.  At the end, we decided to apply black and white as our main color for our video, so the video would be artistic. At the same time, we inserted prezi into the video to make sure its profession. Hence, our video is combination of art and profession and we all are satisfied with it.

Pricing Strategy for iPad Air

The Apple iPad Air—the fifth generation of iPad has been on sold since Nov.1, whose price ($519 for basic model) is relatively high compared to other brands in the market.Customers and companyobjectives are two main factors affecting Apple’s pricing.

In term of customers factor, tracing back to Apple’s former products, Apple usually require a high price, so customers get used to it because of past experience. This is reference price. “Apple” brand is a famous and well-known brand; therefore, the Apple Company uses prestige pricing strategy which sets price in a high level.

In term of company objectives, Apple is focusing on customer orientation, adding value to purchasers and meeting market expectation. David Smith, in his article “Apple iPAD ‘5’ Air Release Date Near: 3 Reasons Its High Price Is Worth Your Money”, illustrates what Apple

did for customer orientation. The new iPad follows Apple traditional innovation, being thinner and lighter, so customers are able to use it in one hand. Second innovation is that the A7 chip is processing to new iPad. Besides great power efficiency, A7 chip is considered as “future” chip since apps are not quite ready for its 64-bit architecture. Hence, iPad Air is a long-life product. Another main innovation should be mentioned is its tablet, and all features needed to improve have been improved, including better cameras and speaker grilles. Overall, customers are able to expect a lot from iPad Air, and high quality fit in its high price.


Advertisement for Audi A8


Video: Advertisement for Audi A8

In the advertisement for Audi A8, actors break down the old luxury prison, getting into a new life. Audi A8 cars are new style luxury cars, differentiating itself from the old luxury style. The symbol of Audi A8 should be creative and freedom. Consumers are able to get a visual impact in the advertisement that if they get an Audi A8 car, they can get rid of the depressing and bounded life and indulge in an exciting and footloose life, which is targeting to consumer affective attitude. The advertisement of Audi A8 also tries to shape consumers behavior through influencing consumers learning which is one of psychological factors. People who have lived in a cool and disengaged lifestyle need an Audi A8.

In term of demographic, psychographic and benefit segmentation variables, Audi A8 focuses on elites with high-level income who love or want to live in a cool and free lifestyle.

People with high-level income are able to afford a luxury car. To differentiate Audi A8 from other luxury cars, Audi Company offer Audi A8 a slogan of innovation, excitement and freedom. Therefore, positioning statement should be for people in a well off lives, Audi A8 is a luxury car which provides an innovated, excited and footloose lifestyle, unlike Rolls-Royce which provides an old lordly luxury lifestyle.

Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning of Samsung Galaxy


Video:Samsung Galaxy Gear: A Long Time Coming

We can come up with a better idea what the segmentation, targeting and positioning of Samsung Galaxy Gear are based on this advertisement.

In term of segmentation, there are hardly no geographic base and demographic. People from different areas in diverse situations are able to enjoy a Samsung Galaxy Gear, thus at least substantial  segmentation attraction that the purchase power is big enough has been guaranteed. Influenced by psychographic variables, people believe Samsung Galaxy Gear had experienced a long and honor history and improve continuously, and thousands of millions of customers are using it. Hence the public feel that Samsung Galaxy Gear is a trustworthy product. Specific to behavioural base, people learn to use Samsung Galaxy Gear as a multi-fouctional  product, such as time displayer, whether report, notebook, phone call e.t.c. . With this effective but light product, people go more smoothly and save time. Samsung Galaxy tends to reshape customers behavioral to create a new modern lifestyle relying on its Gear Product.

Samsung Galaxy is targeting to people who are enjoying with a rapid pace of life, but able to fit in a modern hi-technic lifestyle.

Positioning statement. Samsung Galaxy Gear is a light but multi-founctional product that provides various daily service to make ours life easy but more effective.

Internet Marketing Ethics and Web Ethical Issues



It is an irreversible trend that the number of people using the Internet is keeping improving. Hence, the Internet market is getting into the spotlight. People are chasing a healthy and stable Internet market.

Although this article is sort of advertisement that is selling its website, it indeed come up with some internet marketing ethics and web ethical issues we necessarily think about.

To organizations,

Reputation and brand image is what they are. The Internet is public open, every people can post any message they want on it. An organization is affected by every related news. If some competitors maliciously issue negative consumer comments or fake news on the Internet, with the unbelievable spread rate on the Internet, the organization’s reputation is on the path to die.

To consumers,

Integrity and safety are two main affected factors. As a consumer, I always hope the information on websites is true and integral, so a completed image of the product can be captured. However, among thousands of, millions of information, how can we kick out the fake ones?


Internet business is usually fellow by Internet financial transaction. In this case, identity theft becomes an issue. Consumers are worried about the safety of their property.

If these two factors cannot be guaranteed, most people will lose confidence to the Internet market.

To society,

The Internet market will become parts of our lives as the real market one day. If dishonesty, distrust and hostile attack fill full with the Internet market, the same negative impact will come across our reality.

